Please note that a visor may be worn in addition to a face covering but not without one. Please keep a minimum distance of at least 1.5 meters from other people on the university premises (outdoors and in the buildings). - Alles frei zugänglich! Room: V 816 Write an e-mail Responsibilities. Documents that contain confidential information and/or personal data are excluded from this service. The Erasmus Programme and other scholarship programmes do not provide health insurance! Access to online teaching resources will however not be affected. Please determine which courses are urgently required to take place on campus at departmental level. Please direct any questions related to risk assessments to the occupational safety/occupational health team within the staff unit Occupational Safety, Health and Environmental Protection, You can request a guest ID card from the Human Resources office for individuals who are spending more than four weeks at the University of Konstanz as guests. must be thoroughly cleaned using an appropriate cleaner (e.g. Im Landkreis Konstanz werden zur Unterstützung des Gesundheitsamtes im Umfang von zwei Vollzeitäquivalenten gesucht. Der Krisenstab der Leibniz Universität Hannover beurteilt täglich die aktuelle Lage zur Ausbreitung des Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 und entscheidet, wie die LUH bestmöglich auf die Situation reagieren kann. FAQs on studying and taking exams in the winter semester 2020/2021 in addition to other information are available on the “Studying and teaching in the winter semester 2020/2021” website. Further information is listed on the "Audio and video conferencing" website. (see point 1.3.1. in these FAQs). Facility Management will maintain the lists and upload them to the universityʼs cloud server so that the deans can carry out their formal checks in line with their responsibilities. Persons with or without symptoms can take the molecular SARS-CoV-2 test (PCR test) at Labor Dr. Brunner (no appointment required). If you have exceptionally high costs for return travel (due to cancellation or early return from studying abroad), please contact us directly. 16,180 were here. Your caterer may be able to provide additional advice on this. Im Falle von Professorinnen und Professoren werden die Aufgaben in der Lehre vom Prorektor für Lehre bescheinigt oder die Aufgaben in der Forschung vom Prorektor für Forschung (je nach Schwerpunkt). Mit Inkrafttreten der Corona-Verordnung vom 1. The University of Konstanz’s Outgoing Centre provides an overview of the most important links and will be happy to answer your specific questions about planning a stay abroad. Gastvortrag im Rahmen des Seminars "Medien und Tiere. You may enter the following buildings directly: - Q1 - Q2 - S - U - W - X5. B. das Tragen einer Mund-Nase-Bedeckung) stellen insbesondere für Schwangere möglicherweise eine zusätzliche Belastung dar. This is because rooms equipped with circulating air units still need to be ventilated at regular intervals and the filters inside the devices require additional cleaning and maintenance. Subject area "Mechanics"Team "Precision mechanics": Rosario Dold, 2544, and Ingmar Jäger, 4146 - 9:00 to 15:00Team "Apparatus construction": Ekkehard Moser, 2203, and Christoph Löble, 3751 - 9:00 to 15:00Team "Wood/plastics technology": Georg Ritzi, 2226, and Peter Nietsch, 2226 - 9:00 to 15:00Team "Mechanics service": Peter Romer, 4822 - 9:00 to 13:00Team "Glas apparatus construction": Christian Müller, 2706 - 9:00 to 15:00 If there is no separate email address listed for any of the above-mentioned subject areas, please use the standard email address: The data will be deleted after a period of four weeks. Melden Sie sich an, um auf „Meine Universität“ und passwortgeschützte Bereiche zugreifen zu können. Fristverlängerung Der Senat der Universität Konstanz hat heute beschlossen, dass durch die Bibliotheksschließung bedingte Fristüberschreitungen bei der Abgabe von schriftlichen Prüfungsleistungen, wie Haus-, Seminar-, Abschlussarbeiten oder ähnliche, für Studierende keinen Nachteil bedeuten sollen. Wir sind auch während der Corona-Krise für Ihre Fragen da (16.12. bis 23.12.2020 und ab 07.01.2020): über unser Kontaktformular; per E-Mail:; telefonisch unter +49 931 31-85906 (Mo - Fr 09:00 - 16:00 Uhr) WhatsApp-Anfragen an +49 931 31-85906 werden ebenfalls in diesem Zeitfenster beantwortet Für die Prüfungen gilt: Die Bearbeitungszeit von Abschlussarbeiten in den beiden LL.M.-Studiengängen wird um die Tage der Schließung - ab 16.12. bis zur Wiedereröffnung der Bibliothek … Staff members can use the following entrances that have time recording terminals torecord when they enter and leave the university. HSG and the Corona crisis: an interim report. Dezember 2020 in Kraft getreten ist, zunächst befristet bis 10. Current information about Corona. Should you not be able to work your regular working hours due to the pandemic, neither on campus nor from home, please inform your supervisor and contact Human Resources. In the future, please consult with the universityʼs safety engineers when devising safety concepts for practical courses and carrying out the respective risk assessments. Yes, several persons can share a workspace, however, this should be avoided where possible. Supported by a grant from the University of Konstanz International Office. Januar 2021 befristet sind, über den 31. 7. of the University of Konstanzʼs Hygiene Regulations (e.g. (update on 2.10.2020). Please note that guest ID cards cannot be requested by guests themselvesContact:Franca Lovisi (extension 4391) or Brigitte Funk (extension 3622), Human Resources. Oktober 2020 angepasst an die aktuellen Vorgaben auf Landes- und Bundesebene, die aktuell jedoch nur bis zum 10. Further information is available on the website of the Communication, Information, Media Centre (KIM). Following a debate among state universities in Baden-Württemberg, the University of Konstanz has decided against using circulating air units until further notice. This is why itʼs all the more important to protect and safely store your work-related data using the universityʼs various storage services. It supports teaching, research and study at the University of Konstanz. Due to the current infection dynamics we must continue to avoid gatherings of people on campus, especially during lunch breaks. Das hat der Regierungsrat des Kantons Bern auf Grund der epidemiologischen Entwicklung und der nach wie vor hohen Fallzahlen beschlossen. It is, however, key that you agree with your department on these courses early on. Surfaces that are sensitive to water should be wiped down with a cloth soaked in soap solution and dried afterwards using, for instance, a disposable towel. The same applies if the safety authorities set such strict technical and organizational requirements that the university can no longer be reasonably expected to carry out the event. (see item 1.13 of these FAQs). You can find individual names by means of an alphabetical list or, alternatively, use the search mask the enter a name or institution directly. B. bei Abschlussarbeiten), soll dies unverzüglich nachgeholt werden, sobald es wieder möglich ist, Arbeiten binden zu lassen (z. The Bite online application portal now offers the option of conducting interviews via video conference. studis.uni-konstanz… Dezember 2020 direkt an das Ministerium für Soziales und Integration unter der folgenden E-Mail-Adresse:, Aktuelle Regelungen während des Präsenzbetriebes unter Auflagen, Forschungsförderung und wissenschaftsunterstützende Angebote, Advanced Data and Information Literacy Track, Themen-Schwerpunkte (Jauß, Jubiläum, Bibliothekssanierung ...), Die Universität Konstanz als Arbeitgeberin, Stellenangebote von Partnerorganisationen der Universität Konstanz, Verordnungen, Maßnahmen und Stellungnahmen zum Coronavirus, Beschäftigung schwangerer Frauen im Hinblick auf eine Ansteckung mit dem Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), Impressum, Kontakt und Haftungsausschluss, Auch Bestellungen von nicht in Konstanz vorhandenen Büchern über den. Dezember 2020: Aufgrund der aktuellen Corona-Verordnung des Landes Baden-Württemberg müssen alle Bibliotheken ab dem 16. 1984 to 1989 Lecturer in philosophy at the University of Konstanz. A hand camera is available for dynamic recording (e.g. Since 8 August 2020, there has been a general test obligation for returnees or arrivals from risk areas. FAQ 7.1 auf der Webseite "Präsenzbetrieb unter Auflagen", Kontakt zuständige Fachabteilung: Kommunikations-, Informations-, Medienzentrum (KIM),, Aufgrund der Schließung der Bibliothek infolge der neuen Corona-Verordnung des Landes haben Senat und Rektorat heute Folgendes für die Prüfungen und Prüfungsfristen im Wintersemester beschlossen:1. Please keep your list on a device that you can access while on the go (e.g. Especially in areas where working from home isnʼt easily possible, staff members may be permitted to work on campus more if the infection protection measures are observed – in compliance with the known regulations regarding the existing office and/or lab situation, risk groups and scheduling working hours at different time intervals.As a pre-requisite, all of this must be covered by an updated risk assessment. You will not need to complete and submit an internal request form (“Anforderung”).Background information and instructions: Since coronaviruses are enclosed by a double lipid layer they can be renderd harmless by detergents such as soap, washing agents or washing-up liquid, which can dissolve this layer. The business travel request must be approved by your supervisor, by the responsible department/faculty (as the case may be) and, conclusively, by Human Resources based on the RKI list of risk areas. Beschränkt auf den an der Universität Konstanz vorhandenen Bestand, erhalten Sie im Lokalen Katalog einen schnellen Zugriff auf Bücher, Zeitschriftentitel und audiovisuelle Medien. Based on the renewed Corona Ordinance of the state of Baden-Württemberg and the Corona Ordinance "Studienbetrieb und Kunst" (cf. The University of Konstanz recommends that you keep any business trips to an absolute minimum and use alternatives such as telephone or video conferencing instead. Please consult our guidance for contact persons of confirmed COVID-19 cases. Platz, im Shanghai-Ranking liegt sie stets im Rangfeld 301400. Please make an effort to observe the required safety distance as well as can be done; please also take note of any signposting or barriers on site. The entrance next to the bus stop line 9 is open Mondays to Fridays from 7:30 to 17:30. What does the “Präsenzbetrieb unter Auflagen” mean for studies and teaching? Please note: In this case, the quarantine period will not be counted towards your regular working hours. If you need to purchase certain services/material for your home office (such as data packets for your mobile phone), the usual regulations apply: Your supervisor has to approve all purchases. Oktober 2020) mitgeteilt, dass die Lehre in Baden-Württemberg online stattfindet. Making an appointment, 2. They will then directly place the order, either working from home or at the university, depending on the situation. We will send information via our newsletter EIN|BLICK to your personal university email address – please check this account twice per day. Der Fachbereich im Wintersemester 20/21. Choose either email or in-house mail. Die digitale Kollektion der Universität Konstanz, wie E-Books und E-Journals, ist wie bisher nutzbar. You can access this website by clicking on the corresponding tile on the website. Staff in home office must work from their homes and be available during the core working hours from 9:00 to 15:30. Create your own media productions with KIM.MediaBOX Teaching staff who wish to record their own (teaching) videos can borrow the KIM.MediaBOX. If you require temporary access to sychronized teaching formats, for instance to conduct live meetings as part of seminars, the Communication, Information, Media Centre (KIM) provides access to different tools. Yes, if they can keep at least 1.5 metres of space between them. B. Online-Lehre, Experimente, Abgabefristen…). The mobile CampusCafé is also open Mondays to Fridays from 8:30 to 14:30. University of Konstanz staff members are welcome to arrange for individual medical consultations with the universityʼs in-house physician – also and especially if you suffer from a previous medical condition or disposition. Each university unit can determine individually how this will take place. Please follow the instructions on what to do if you have cold symptoms or are ill. You may still enter the university campus, even if you exhibit one or more of the risk factors and thus belong to a risk group (older than 60, high blood pressure, diabetes, a lung disease, a documented suppressed immune system). Note: Plastic visors or face shields are no suitable replacements for appropriate face coverings. During conditional on-site operations and until further notice you must enter and leave university buildings (on campus) via the i-Punkt and the entrance next to number 9 bus stop only. The departments may offer practical courses on campus (including lab courses in biology, physics and chemistry, compact courses in biology and sports tutorials). The boxes are made of sugarcane, the spoons of the bio-based plastic PLA. To document your hours worked on campus, please use the regular timekeeping system. Hide. If you canʼt, please spend your lunch break outside (please remember that you are required to wear a face mask in certain areas outside university buildings as well.). Please remember to plan your holidays as you normally would, even though travel restrictions remain in place. The University of Konstanz highly recommends its members carefully consider the respective entry requirements as well as the risks and benefits of taking part in an individual, long-term stay abroad (several weeks or months for the purpose of studying, completing an internship, conducting research or teaching abroad). The pages listed in the menu on the left-hand side contain various kinds of information about KIM. Das heißt, sie darf nicht mehr betreten werden. If you have questions about doing an internship, please contact Verena Ladegast via email They are also obliged to check the university website twice per day. If a COVID-19 infection is confirmed, the following applies: Persons who tested positive for COVID-19 are not permitted to enter the University of Konstanz for at least 10 days and until they have fully recovered from the disease. The risk assessment forms (in German) are available on the Occupational Safety website. Please request such an exemption from the persons/units relevant for you (see above). Please contact Human Resources if this applies to you. Sc.) Dezember 2020 und wieder ab 4. We are a family-friendly university and know very well that working or studying at home without child care options is very difficult right now. There are various default scenarios for screen recording using the camera and microphone. members of a research team, fellow students or colleagues) should take personal responsibility and practice social distancing as well as reduce their private contacts to be on the safe side. Literature, information sources and IT, Protection guidelines in universities during the corona pandemic, specialized practices listed for the Konstanz district, list of specialized practices for the Konstanz district, guidance for contact persons of confirmed COVID-19 cases, What to do if you are a contact of someone with coronavirus, website for the “Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Baden-Württemberg” (state association of statutory health insurance physicians), instructions on what to do if you have cold symptoms or are ill, information about what to do if you have cold symptoms, regions within Germany with more than 50 new cases per 100,000 residents in the past seven days, Ordinance from the Ministry of Social Affairs and Integration on quarantine measures for travellers to stop Covid-19 from spreading (Corona-Verordnung Einreise-Quarantäne – CoronaVO EQ) (in German), Answers of the Ministry of Social Affairs to questions related to the Corona Ordinance on entry quarantine (in German) (CoronaVO Einreise-Quarantäne). Mandatory registration at all university entrances Please note that you must always sign in electronically or, as an exception, by entering your name into the paper lists provided when entering university premises. For individual questions, please contact: We are collecting this data for access control purposes only. This leaflet replaces the previous one (which was distributed to all working groups and divisions via in-house post; the new version has also been posted to the FAQs): What to do if you are a contact of someone with coronavirus. Requests for reimbursement will be processed as quickly as possible. All supervisor must therefore register persons who need access during the working week outside of the regular access hours by 13:00 of the previous working day. Taking breaks outside: Please note that you are required to use these specific doors to leave and then re-enter the university buildings if you would like to take a break outside. You will then receive your housing deposit, minus 50€ transaction fee. (In urgent cases, please submit an application explaining the reasons to the vice rectors (PRR)).Business travel in Germany can be approved on a case-by-case basis. The same applies to persons from Liechtenstein, the state of Voralberg in Austria and the French départements of Bas-Rhin and Haut-Rhin. Which entrances can be used to access the university? Please note that you must log in to access this information. 1.5, 1.5.1 sowie 1.10.1 auf der Webseite "Präsenzbetrieb unter Auflagen"Kontakt zuständige Fachabteilung:Wolfgang Hellstern, Arbeitssicherheit, Gesundheitsschutz und Umweltschutz. Contact:Renate Pfeifer, Division of Human Resources and Legal Affairs, How to hold a vote using ILIAS, e.g. Bitte beachten Sie dort vor allem auch die jeweiligen thematischen und zielgruppenorientierten Kacheln, über die Sie Detailinformationen für Sie gebündelt abrufen können. Based on guidance published by the Berufsgenossenschaft Rohstoffe und chemische Industrie (BG RCI) the universityʼs occupational safety team has developed new operating instructions for working at risk of infection with SARS-CoV-2. Then they have to inform the director of the departmental administration as well as the in-house physician, Heike Strauß. You can do so next to the time stamp clock on level W5. The supervisor determines where work must be completed. Auf dieser Seite informieren wir Sie über wichtige Einführungsveranstaltungen und -termine sowie über die ersten wichtigen Schritte in Ihrem Informatikstudium. Both documents are on the. If a safety authority orders that an event has to be cancelled due to a pandemic, this is force majeure and the organizer generally is not liable. The Communication, Information, Media Centre (KIM) has some useful advice and an overview of currently available tools for collaborating with colleagues while teleworking. Besides coffee you can purchase sandwiches and pastries. At this time, the International Office prefers to issue transcripts digitally. Many countries currently do not allow incoming travellers from abroad, even if (or especially if) there is a low rate of infection there. Please rinse them thoroughly after use and hang them out to dry. Please specifically describe in your request to the Rectorate why external test persons have to take part. By the way: The University of Konstanz will also be offereing several online courses in the winter semester 2020/2021. if several staff members share an office and cannot work there at the same time), you have to inform your supervisors. The changes were made to adapt the university's rules and regulations to the current recommendations of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) regarding the classification of contacts. 2. Subject area "Electronics"Team "Electronics development": Harald Kautz, 2409, and Harald Richter, 2213 - working from home, can be available to meet on campus if required - team leader available by phone (extension -2409) or email ( from 9:00 to 12:00 on work days.Team "Service Centre": Thomas Trenker, 2764, and Daniel Rittlinger, 2277 - two-shift system 7:00 to 13:00 and 13:30 to 19:30 - collection point for electronic parts: Bernhard Obert, 2408 (9:00 to 11:00)2. The University of Konstanzʼs “Chemikalienlager” opens on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. You should make a note of situations with potential risk of infection. You can choose from a selection of hot meals, drinks and snacks. You also have to inform the following units/persons at the University of Konstanz, either via phone or email: Seminar teachers and lecturers in whose course a suspected case occurs have to see to it that the affected person leaves the campus (and remind the person to contact the family doctor). Seit 2007. Melden Sie sich an, um auf „Meine Universität“ und passwortgeschützte Bereiche zugreifen zu können. Jöran Beel was a postdoc in our group from March 2015 until March 2016. If you test negative for the coronavirus, you may be exempted from the prohibition to enter the campus in justified individual cases only. detergent) before each person leaves for the workday. 4. The Federal Foreign Office has developed a, 2 November 2020 for exchanges in the USA/Canada, 15 January 2021 for exchanges outside Europe/in Eastern Europe/in the International Credit Mobility Programme. If you do need to take a lunch break, e.g. The University of Konstanz unfortunately cannot reimburse costs related to a planned study abroad period. in front of the illuminated square located below the display). For instance, it is not possible to back up your data on private devices used outside the university using Bacula. The focus is on recording your own videos by yourself. For further information (e.g. There will be no checks if an ID card is scanned more than once. Please also inform your host university! Students, their relatives or coordinators of our international partner universities may address their questions to our Corona Info Line from Monday to Thursday, 9:00-12:00, via telephone or anytime via e-mail: 0049 3683 688 9999 or practice social distancing, follow the hygiene rules, wear a face covering and make sure to ventilate your work space. Accordingly, university members are not permitted to bring family members to campus or into the university buildings. The electronic registration data will be stored for four weeks and then deleted as per the Corona Ordinance (CoronaVO). Suitable alternatives as well as general information on audio and video conferencing are available on the website of the Communication, Information, Media Centre (KIM). The University of Konstanz undertook the refurbishment of its library to bring the 1960s style setting in line with the demands of the digitalised world: the 18,000 m² space was to be transformed into a future-oriented service environment that would provide an attractive learning centre for the entire university, without detracting from the historic character of the building. We also would like to ask you not to broadcast such offers via university channels. No one knows how the pandemic situation will develop over time. Facility management and technical supplies. November 2020, beginnen und am Samstag, 13. Die folgenden Dienste bleiben weiterhin verfügbar: 1. Please really be careful when receiving such offers. Please write an email stating your reasons to your research group leader. KonSearch Lokaler Katalog. 2 Millionen Bücher - lesen Sie doch, wann Sie wollen! Please note: If you experience typical symptoms of a coronavirus infection, namely: loss of smell and taste, fever, cough and a sore throat within 10 days of having contact with an infected person, you must phone your family doctor immediately. Should you notice the symptoms after already having entered the university premises, you have to, It is very important that you contact our in-house physician, Heike Strauß, in such a case, either, Please also inform the corresponding persons/units (see above) via, Please ask the student in question to complete the. Moving your workplace to your private home also comes with the added responsibility of making sure that your mobile devices are secure. 1.3.3. staff, if they are required to carry out a task on campus; 4. minimum distance of 1.5 metres was observed, face coverings were worn). More information. EXCELLENT! If you have questions, please contact the Occupational Safety/Occupational Health team within the staff unit Occupational Safety, Health and Environmental Protection. The Archaeological Institute has an international network of cooperation partners.
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