Rp2.425.000. Descubre cuál es mejor y su puesto en la clasificación de CPUs. Hello! I have a Lenovo Y700 gaming laptop with the AMD-FX 8800P processor. AMD is bringing back their Athlon brand with the Athlon 200GE, featuring two cores and four threads. AMD FX-8800P. Check Out How Good Will AMD FX-8800P Run Games . AMD FX-8800P ⭐ Test. Jakarta Barat Jawir Wir Pedia. Rp4.350.000. เชื่อมต่อด้วยความเร็ว Super Fast – USB 3.1 Gen 1, SATA3, PCI-e M.2 La AMD FX-8800P e la APU Carrizo Top de 2015 para portátiles convencionales. 1080p ; 1440p ; 2160p/4K PLEASE WHITELIST US. The table below compares support for x86 extensions and technologies, as well as individual instructions and low-level features of the AMD FX-8800P and Intel Pentium 4 2.8 GHz microprocessors. PC-WELT - Das neue Flaggschiff der X4-Baureihe arbeitet mit 2,5 GHz. In terms of raw single-core performance the flagship AMD FX-8350 is lagging behind intel's processor line-up by over two generations. Berikut ini performa AMD APU Carrizo pada CINEBENCH R15, baik pada single-core, maupun multi-core. The AMD FX-8800P running at speed of up to 3.4GHz isn’t as power-efficient as Intel’s counterparts either. AMD FX is a series of AMD microprocessors for personal computers.The following is a list of AMD FX brand microprocessors. The data on this chart is gathered from user-submitted Geekbench 5 results from the Geekbench Browser.To make sure the results accurately reflect the average performance of each processor, the chart only includes processors with at least five unique results in the Geekbench Browser. AMD Carrizo ชิพเซต – AMD FX-8800P แกนประมวลผล 4 คอร์ ความเร็ว 3.4GHz – AMD Radeon™ R7 กราฟิกออนบอร์ด. Top 100 Best Laptops for League of Legends, Top 100 Best Laptops for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Top 100 Best Laptops for PLAYERUNKNOWN’S BATTLEGROUNDS (PUBG), Top 100 Best Laptops for Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege, Top 100 Best Laptops for Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands, Top 100 Best Laptops for Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, Top 100 Best Laptops for Rise of the Tomb Raider, Top 100 Best Laptops for Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Top 100 Best Gaming Laptop Deals (Price/Performance). AMD FX-8800P menjadi flagship dari semua model dengan kecepatan paling tinggi, 2.1Ghz pada keadaan default dan 3.4Ghz pada keadaan Boost(TurboCore). The first graph shows the relative performance of the CPU compared to the 10 other common (single) CPUs in … R5K-002. With a price of only $60 for the reviewed processor, this is the cheapest option to join the Ryzen+Vega game and a clear winner when it comes to price/performance. I want to play a Steam game called War Thunder (which requires a 2.3 gigahertz CPU), but the base clock-speed of the 8800P is 2.1 gigahertz. This processor has scored 4147 benchmark points. AMD, el logotipo de la flecha de AMD, EPYC y sus combinaciones son marcas registradas de Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Los demás nombres se proporcionan solo con fines informativos y pueden ser marcas comerciales de sus respectivos propietarios. AMD Phenom X4 9850. Welcome to the Geekbench Processor Benchmark Chart. ©2020 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., todos los derechos reservados. Memiliki 4 CPU Core , dan 8 GCN Compute unit pada GPU(setara dengan 512 Radeon Cores) yang berjalan pada clock 800Mhz. It's rumored that AMD is working on a new FX 6th Gen -8800P, see how the leaked specs compare to the 3.8 GHz FX 4130. La arquitectura RDNA 2 es el pilar de los gráficos de los juegos de PC de la nueva generación y las consolas Playstation 5 y Xbox Series S y X. Únete a los fanáticos de AMD y Fnatic en la Isla Creativa de AMD en Fortnite para tener la posibilidad de ganar hardware AMD Ryzen™ y Radeon™ de última generación. Please read and accept our website Terms and Privacy Policy to post a comment. AMD FX-8800P - benchmark tests, specifications and information. View charts to compare AMD FX-8800P 3.4 GHz CPU (released 2015) to other popular Intel and AMD processors. The BIOSTAR A10N-8800E boasts an AMD FX-8800P quad-core processor with a boost core clock of up to 3.4 GHz from a base frequency of 2.1 GHz. Los procesadores, las tarjetas gráficas, la tecnología y el software de AMD te dan siempre una ventaja competitiva tanto en centros de datos y soluciones informáticas para empresas, como en juegos. Presentamos una aplicación para juegos totalmente rediseñada que pone las funciones más buscadas y populares al alcance de tu mano. En este video se muestra que tal corre una parte del juego en un cpu de configuración básica con ese procesador y RAM de 8 GB DDR4 de 2133 MHz doble canal KOMPUTER GAMING AMD FX-8800P+ HDD 500GB+8GB DDR4. Also featured is support for up to 32 GB of … The table below compares support for x86 extensions and technologies, as well as individual instructions and low-level features of the AMD A8-7600 and AMD FX-8800P microprocessors. Selector de Tarjetas Gráficas Radeon Pro para Estaciones de Trabajo, Pruebas realizadas por los laboratorios de rendimiento de AMD el 2/9/2020 sobre la base del FPS promedio de 40 juegos de PC a 1920x1080 con el valor predeterminado de alta calidad de imagen. Tambah ke Wishlist. Performa – Cinebench R15. Featuring an integrated AMD FX-8800P processor with AMD Radeon R7 Graphics, the Biostar A10N-8800E is an all-in-one solution for an HTPC or office PC. The PassMark Single Thread scores for the i5-2500K vs the FX-8350 are 1863 to 1520 which shows that in terms of raw per-core processing the FX-8350 is lagging the two year old i5 by 23%. Accede a todas las funciones de software directamente desde el juego, para que vivas una experiencia de juego fantástica. It's rumored that AMD is working on a new FX 6th Gen -8800P, see how the leaked specs compare to the 4 GHz FX 8350. Selbst das gaming klappt ohne hänger. Frames per second can vary because of differences in hardware and software enviroments. Information in this table was retrieved from actual processors using CPUID instruction, and we also utilized internal timer to measure CPU frequency. If it weren’t for the ads, LaptopMedia wouldn’t be running. The Biostar A10N-8800 motherboard is a mini-ITX SoC option with an integrated AMD FX-8800P processor. ¡Encuentra la solución ideal para ti! Bandung dcsonline. The comment form collects your name, email, and content to allow us keep track of the comments placed on the website. This is made using thousands of PerformanceTest benchmark results and is updated daily.. Como el APU tiene un TDP de 35W máximo, mantiene el reloj en carga entre los 3,2 - 3,4 GHz, que no es algo malo. This type of gaming … I know this CPU has turbo, which can make the speed go up to 3.4 gigahertz. In terms of raw single-core performance the flagship AMD FX-8350 is lagging behind intel's processor line-up by over two generations. Entdecke die Höhepunkte vom AMD FX-8800P und erfahre, wie es im CPU Ranking perfomt. The CPU required to meet recommended requirements is either an AMD FX-8310 or Intel Core i7-4770 4-Core 3.4GHz processor. Presentamos un ecosistema abierto para soluciones de red, computación edge e infraestructura industrial, Presentamos un ecosistema abierto para cargas de trabajo de PC en formato pequeño. Tambah ke Wishlist. Key Spezifikationen für Komplett PC-Paket Set • AMD FX-8800 4X3.4GHz • 8GB DDR4 • 512GB M.2 SSD und 1TB •HD DirectX12 • WLAN • USB 3.1• Win10 • 27 Zoll LED TFT Monitor • Computer: Das gerät hat meine erwartungen übertroffen. Information in this table was retrieved from actual processors using CPUID instruction, and we also utilized internal timer to measure CPU frequency. The PassMark Single Thread scores for the i5-2500K vs the FX-8350 are 1863 to 1520 which shows that in terms of raw per-core processing the FX-8350 is lagging the two year old i5 by 23%. Results can vary in comparison to reality. Shown number of Frames Per Second is the maximal possible you can get with this CPU, but you need to build PC without bottleneck. APU FX-8800P Quad-Core is a High-End Mobile CPU based on the 28nm, Excavator Architecture. Los procesadores AMD Ryzen™ y las tarjetas gráficas AMD Radeon™ RX son la pareja perfecta para disfrutar la mejor plataforma multiuso. Zum Vergleich: Intels Top-CPU Core 2 Extreme QX9770 verbrauchte unter Last nur 222 Watt. 2007 - 2020 Some rights reserved - LaptopMedia.com From: Simeon Nikolov 19 December 2017 / 04:00 | 0 . LaptopMedia.com Laptop CPU Specs AMD FX-8800P. As an Amazon Associate LaptopMedia earns from qualifying purchases. However, it offers mid-range performance, similar to the popular Intel Core i5 dual-core series. Ini skornya saat dibandingkan dengan FX-7600P yang dulu pernah kami uji: Price and performance details for the AMD FX-8800P can be found below. LaptopMedia.comLaptop CPU SpecsAMD FX-8800P, From: Simeon Nikolov 19 December 2017 / 04:00 | 0. Google’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. The Mini ITX Biostar A10N-8800E integrates modern features, such as a 16 Gb/2 M.2 slot, four USB 3.1 … Haga frente al más allá con AMD, los reinos ocultos de la maravilla y el horror lo esperan en The Shadowlands, Alístate para una misión planetaria con AMD y The Riftbreaker™, Destruye hasta las cenizas un régimen malvado con AMD. Ich nutze allerdings keine 3 d shooter sondern rpg‘s. Stromverbrauch: Im Leerlauf sowie unter Last hatte das Testsystem des X4 9850 mit 185 respektive 311 Watt den höchsten Verbrauch im Test. Sebagai sebuah APU yang memiliki TDP maks 35W, mempertahankan clock saat load pada 3.2 – 3.4Ghz bukan hal yang buruk. ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre AMD FX-6300 y AMD FX-8800P? AMD’s FX-8800P is the chip maker’s top-of-the-line quad-core processor for notebook PCs. Some APUs also carry an FX model name, but the term "FX" normally only refers to CPUs which are not just APUs with the iGPU disabled. PC Gaming AMD FX-8800P 3,4GHz Ram 8GB 120SSD ADATA radeon R7-2GB. MOTHERBOARD GAMING BIOSTAR A10N-8800+PROC AMD FX-8800P+DDR4 4GB(PAKET) Rp1.587.000.
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