Ausstellung: 31.10.2020 10:00 – 04.07.2021 18:00 Kategorie: Sonderausstellung, Geschichte, Gedenken, Topf und Söhne. Les installations Topf & Fils représentaient une avancée considérable pour les crémations lors de funérailles religieuses. The company not only made crematoria ovens, it also made ventilation systems for the gas chambers at Auschwitz II–Birkenau. Johannes Topf died in 1891, and in 1904 Julius Topf stepped down to become a sleeping partner due to ill health, leaving Ludwig managing it on his own. Même si ces fours particuliers ne représentaient qu'une petite activité annexe pour la société, celle-ci parvint rapidement à conquérir une place de leader sur le marché des fours crématoires en Allemagne. La SS fut désignée comme seule coupable. From October 1945 he went to live in the town of Gudensberg, in the district Fritzlar-Homberg, in the American zone, where his niece, the daughter of his sister Hanna, was working for the American military administration. [14], At the end of June 1945, Ernst Topf travelled to an insurance company in Stuttgart, then in the French occupied zone, to collect a 300,000 Reichmark life insurance payout that was due following his brother Ludwig's death. Puis elle emporte le "marché du siècle" consistant à équiper les crématoires II à V à Auschwitz-Birkenau[2]. Assmann, Aleida; Hidderman, Frank (eds) (2002), This page was last edited on 3 December 2020, at 00:07. Conformément aux exigences de la SS - ils perfectionnèrent également les chambres à gaz en installant des systèmes de ventilation dans les crématoires II et III et un système d'aspiration de l'air dans le crématoire V[4]. C'est dans les années 1930 que Ludwig et Ernst Wolfgang Topf commencèrent à travailler dans l'entreprise créée par leur grand-père. Topf committed suicide on 31 May 1945, by cyanide poisoning. Later, the company diversified into silos, chimneys, incinerators for burning municipal waste, and crematoria.During World War I it made weapons shells, limbers (carts … His brother Julius died of blood poisoning later the same year. Ludwig Topf et son frère Ernst-Wolfgang, industriels bien connus d'Erfurt, avaient pris la carte de membre du parti nazi fin avril 1933 mais ils n'étaient ni racistes ni antisémites. Observations, innovations and patent applications, Stiftung Gedenkstätten Buchenwald und Mittelbau-Dora (2005), Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team (2007), Erinnerungsort Topf & Söhne, 12 July 2017. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 22 juillet 2020 à 16:11. [1], Later, in December 1946, because of his membership of the Nazi party, the Fritzlar-Homberg Spruchkammer, a German civilian denazification court, started investigating Ernst Topf. They had two children. Quellen: Lehmann, Heidrun: Stadtverband der Kleingärtner besteht seit 20 Jahren, Thüringische Landeszeitung vom 18.05.2010. Améliorez-le, discutez des points à améliorer ou précisez les sections à recycler en utilisant {{section à recycler}}. A 'muffle' is the incineration chamber where the body is put. Topf & Fils (J.A. Topf & Fils (J.A. Teil I: Hausbesetzung in Erfurt - 1998 bis heute; Teil II: Hausbesetzung in Erfurt - 1989 bis heute(Übersicht) Die Ausstellung als PDF-Datei Later, the company diversified into silos, chimneys, incinerators for burning municipal waste, and crematoria. With the second generation of the Topf brothers all dead, Else Topf (1882–1940), Ludwig's widow, became the owner. He maintained that the ovens they had delivered to the concentration camps were standard equipment, of the same type that they made for city crematoria for civilian use and claimed that if they had refused to work with the SS they would have been severely punished. Die Blattgesundheit war gut. From March 1943 until November 1944, nearly 1 million people were murdered and disposed of at the camp. The company's history was not fully researched until after German reunification in 1990. By 1914, it was one of the largest firms of its type in the world, employing over 500 staff and exporting to 50 countries. Und sie ist ein Teil von uns. Topf und Söhne con Skyscanner Hotel. 1878 wurde von Johann Andreas Topf, der Vater von Ludwig und Ernst-Wolfgang Topf, der beiden namentlich bekannten Geschäftsführer der Firma zur NS-Zeit, in Erfurt eine Bierbrauerei gegründet. In World War II it also made weapons shells and aircraft parts for the Luftwaffe. [12], Topf & Söhne engineers and other staff visited the concentration camps many times, not only to install and repair equipment, but also to observe processes to help make them more efficient. The investigation was suspended in 1951. The majority of the French, Soviets and Italians were prisoners of war. [4], He had four sons: Gustav (1853–1893); Albert (1857–1896); Max Julius Ernst, known as Julius (1859–1914) and Wilhelm Louis, known as Ludwig, (1863–1914). [4], Kurt Prüfer, the head of Topf & Söhne's small crematoria department, was the main oven designer. Am 12. [1], In December 1939, a patent application was made for Prüfer's double-muffle transportable cremation unit, although it was not approved, possibly because of the legal problem of ash mixing. He returned Erfurt to do two six-month internships, one in a bank and another in a malting company. Kurt Prüfer, le directeur de la division de Construction des Fours Spéciaux, était dans une situation difficile sur le plan interne, car la direction de l'entreprise jugeait qu'il rapportait trop peu de bénéfices. Most of them came from France, Italy, the Soviet Union and Belgium. It was privatised in 1993 after German reunification and it went bankrupt in 1996. The unusually high numbers looked suspicious, so the SS wanted their own on-site facilities, although it was illegal for crematoria to be outside of local authority control. Das Familienunternehmen Topf & Söhne a) Die Geschichte des Unternehmens. Un brevet portant sur un four fonctionnant en continu est même déposé. II. Auch unbequemer. (mz) Erinnerungsort Topf & Söhne, Sorbenweg 7, Erfurt, Di-So 10-18 Uhr Das Haus im Internet: [3][7], Ludwig Topf was wealthy and successful, but committed suicide in February 1914, aged 51, due to the stress of running the business. [20], At Buchenwald, liberated on 11 April, the crematoria ovens remained intact. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Tefal Simpleo B815S4 Topf- und Pfannenset 4 tlg. Meer over 1942: - Bekijk deze uitzending in het scherm hierboven. In the 1932 elections they became the second largest party; Hitler became chancellor in March 1933. Les vestiges des crématoires acquirent rapidement la signification symbolique de monuments funéraires et de lieux de mémoire. Assmann, Aleida; Hidderman, Frank (eds)(2002) Firma Topf & Söhne – Hersteller der Öfen für Auschwitz: Ein Fabrikgelände als Erinnerungsort? Topf and Sons (German: J.A. Elle fut l'un des deux principaux fournisseurs des fours crématoires utilisés par l'Allemagne nazie[1]. JA Topf e Filhos ( alemão: JA Topf & Söhne) era uma empresa de engenharia, fundada em 1878 em Erfurt, Alemanha por Johannes Andreas Topf (1816-1891). The Spruchkammer had difficulties in getting evidence, partly due to a lack of co-operation between American officials and officials in Soviet occupied Erfurt. A. Topf & Söhne (gegründet 1878, bis zum Konkurs 1994 als EMS - Erfurter Mälzerei- und Speicherbau tätig) ist ein prominentes Beispiel für die Mittäterschaft der Industrie bei der Vernichtung der europäischen Juden. A. Topf und Söhne za pomocą Hoteli Skyscanner. [5], The site of the former factory is now a holocaust memorial site and a museum. La direction de l'entreprise, les ingénieurs et les monteurs non seulement livrèrent les fours crématoires pour faire disparaître les personnes assassinées. Welche Kriterien es bei dem Kaufen Ihres Kaffee campingkocher zu bewerten gibt. In 2007 the Dutch broadcaster VPRO made a television documentary about Topf & Söhne called The Big Denial as part of the In Europe series. La Villa Cotta - Ein Gartentraum Die Rose hat sich traumhaft entwickelt und blühte bis in den November. Après la guerre, il se suicida. [10] A Topf transportable, double-muffle oven was delivered in winter 1939/40, and two, three-muffle stationary ovens were ordered. Die "Besetzer_innen" wollen mit der Aktion auf den Abriss der Industriebrache Topf und Söhne sowie der drohenden Räumung des Besetzten Hauses auf einem Teil des ehemaligen Firmengeländes aufmerksam machen. Les dirigeants de Topf & Fils, tout comme les employés concernés, nièrent toute culpabilité et toute complicité de ces crimes. (20 cm, 16 cm, 28 cm), Edelstahl/schwarz. They ran social and cultural projects, and organised events and guided tours which drew attention to the history of Topf & Söhne during the Nazi period, which had been largely forgotten. Topf & Söhne, hoping to capitalise on its good reputation prior to World War II. Topf und Söhne) est une société allemande spécialisée en installations de chauffage qui fut créée en 1878 à Erfurt. Prüfer died in October 1952 of a stroke while in prison. [5], After falling into decay for many years, the former Topf & Söhne site was given historic monument protection status by the state of Thuringia in 2003. Du business dans les camp de concentration : les complices passifs et actifs au sein de l'entreprise, Topf & Fils, partenaires de la SS : initiatives et avantages, Après la guerre : effacer les traces - se souvenir - nier,öhne&oldid=173159133, Massacre ou atrocité de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, Article manquant de références depuis juillet 2012, Article manquant de références/Liste complète, Portail:Seconde Guerre mondiale/Articles liés, Portail:Époque contemporaine/Articles liés, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. A. Topf und Söhne med Skyscanner hotell. [4], The company began manufacturing incinerators for burning municipal waste and, from 1914, crematoria for local authorities, due to the increasing acceptability of cremation as a means of body disposal. Cet article est copié avec permission du catalogue de l'exposition de Malignes, Les employés en question se servirent de leurs observations pour optimiser les installations d'extermination. Die „Besetzer_innen“ wollen mit der Aktion auf den Abriss der Industriebrache Topf und Söhne sowie der drohenden Räumung des Besetzten Hauses auf einem Teil des ehemaligen Firmengeländes aufmerksam machen. By 1885 J.A. Ein richtiger Hingucker mit ihren tollen großen Blüten und sehr schönen Farben. A. Topf und Söhne con hoteles de Skyscanner. He owned his own brewery and had also worked in the fuel technology industry. [4], From August 1940 to May 1942, Topf & Söhne built three double-muffle ovens at Auschwitz Camp I. Ernst also studied at Hannover, but took business studies. für den Inhalt verantwortlich und Betreiber der Website. Unsere Redakteure haben uns dem Ziel angenommen, Produktpaletten unterschiedlichster Variante auf Herz und Nieren zu überprüfen, sodass Interessierte unmittelbar den Kaffee campingkocher gönnen können, den Sie als Kunde kaufen wollen. Heating, brewing & incineration equipment, silos, chimneys. [5], After German reunification in 1990, over 2.5 million claims were made for restitution of property that had been confiscated during the Nazi period, or by the East German government. The Americans forced the citizens of nearby Weimar to walk through the camp to witness what had been going on. Busca y compara hoteles cercanos a J. En pratique : Quelles sources sont attendues ? There was further bad publicity when the book Macht ohne Moral ('Power without Morals') was published in 1957. Encuentra millones de habitaciones en hoteles, resorts y hostales de todo el mundo. Because of this, at the end of 1932, the brothers were made redundant. Die nostalgischen Blüten sind hitzeverträglich und leicht duftend. [1], At its peak Topf & Söhne was the largest company of its type in the world. A further four, single-muffle ovens were built at Dachau by Topf & Söhne's competitor H. [8], The influence of Nazi staff within the firm also grew. [1], Initially, Buchenwald camp, which opened in July 1937, sent bodies to the local Weimar city crematorium. [18][19], In April 1945, Erfurt and Buchenwald were liberated by the US Army. Elle était clairement conçue pour le long terme et susceptible de se développer, et on s'en rendait bien compte chez Topf & Fils. This bland valediction (complimentary close) was often used at the end of letters Topf & Söhne sent to the SS, in which details of orders for concentration camp ovens were discussed.[30]. 4,1 von 5 Sternen 16. Topf & Söhne) was an engineering company, founded in 1878 in Erfurt, Germany by Johannes Andreas Topf (1816–1891). [3], In addition to Auschwitz and Auschwitz II–Birkenau, Topf & Söhne also built crematoria ovens for Buchenwald, Dachau, Mauthausen-Gusen, Mogilev ghetto, and the Gross-Rosen concentration camp. Für den Fall einer Räumung des Besetzten Hauses auf dem ehemaligen Gelände von Topf & Söhne wollen zudem rund 200 Menschen eine Sitzblockade veranstalten. They also filmed the camp, including the crematoria, with the camera pointedly focusing on the J.A. Wyszukaj i porównaj hotele w pobliżu: J. Die Firma Topf & Söhne lieferte die benötigten Verbrennungsöfen und trat damit seinen Dienst als Handlanger des Holocaust an. A book about the occupation was published in 2012, titled Topf & Söhne – Besetzung auf einem Täterort (Topf & Söhne – Occupation of a crime scene). Topf & Söhne – Die Ofenbauer von Auschwitz“ von Annegret Schüle (Wallstein-Verlag Göttingen. Else Topf supported this stance. During World War I it made weapons shells, limbers (carts for carrying artillery) and other military vehicles. L'extermination d'êtres humains n'était pas un phénomène passager dans le national-socialisme. wurzelnackte Rose. Sans sollicitation, de leur propre initiative, les ingénieurs de la société imaginèrent des installations encore plus efficaces pour l'extermination d'un nombre de gens toujours croissant. … Ansehen Topf & Söhne ist ein authentischer Ort der Mittäterschaft der Industrie am Holocaust. He then joined Ludwig in Leipzig, studying at the Handelshochschule, now the Leipzig Graduate School of Management, graduating in 1929. Ils donnent au souvenir une forme visible et tangible. Une réorganisation et une clarification du contenu paraissent nécessaires. In all, Topf built 25 crematoria ovens which had a total of 76 incineration chambers (called 'muffles') for concentration camps. The ambitious engineer Kurt Prüfer joined at the same time. The Patent Application, Concentration camps shown as film evidence during the Nuremberg Trials, German Minister Says Heirs of Crematorium Maker Won’t Be Compensated, Regional events in Germany keep memories of the Holocaust alive, Hochschulfernsehen "UNIcut" feiert Jubiläum, Topf & Sons Remembrance Site official website,, Articles with German-language sources (de), Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Malgré de nombreux efforts pour étouffer toute l'affaire, les complicités passives et actives ont laissé des traces. The company's crematoria department was closed in 1955 and in 1957 it stopped production of all forms of combustion machinery and was renamed VEB Erfurter Mälzerei- und Speicherbau (VEB EMS), (Erfurt Oasthouse and Granary Construction). That was the highest sentence that could be given without having a full trial. Ceux-ci développaient les machines spéciales Topf qui étaient ensuite produites dans les ateliers de l'entreprise. Leurs projets dépassaient de loin les exigences de la SS. Originally, it made heating systems and brewing and malting equipment. Originally, it made heating systems and brewing and malting equipment. En 1941, Ludwig Topf parvint à se soustraire à son service militaire en affirmant qu'il était indispensable pour le projet Auschwitz. [12][6], It was calculated that all four of Auschwitz II's crematoria had the capacity to cremate a total of 8000 bodies per day, although the actual numbers were usually lower. The Zwangsarbeiter had to work 56 hours per week in comparison with the 42 hours worked by German employees, although they were paid 25–30% less. It also has changing exhibitions, film viewings, talks, etc. He used the old family firm's name, J.A. Au début du XX e siècle, elle était déjà l'un des plus grands fabricants mondiaux d'installations de chaufferies industrielles pour brasseries. [17] To try to conceal what had been going on, the SS blew up the crematoria and gas chambers before the Soviet troops arrived. [4], In 1929, Ernst was employed at Topf & Söhne, and in 1931 Ludwig also joined the firm. A. Topf & Söhne company, Auschwitz-Birkenau Crematoria: Civilian Ovens Comparison (2016), Topf & Sons as Partners of the SS. The Nazi party first gained seats in the German parliament in 1928. Si vous disposez d'ouvrages ou d'articles de référence ou si vous connaissez des sites web de qualité traitant du thème abordé ici, merci de compléter l'article en donnant les références utiles à sa vérifiabilité et en les liant à la section « Notes et références ». It is also thought that they supplied transportable ovens to at least one of the Nazi euthanasia institutions, in which a total of over 70,000 physically and mentally disabled people were murdered in 1940 and 1941. Das kann man bei Topf & Söhne lernen. He developed a two-muffle transportable oven in September 1939, which was delivered to Dachau concentration camp in November 1939. Sans Topf, les SS n'auraient jamais pu mettre en place un tel systèmes d'élimination des humains[4].
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