iubh marketing management master

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Marketing Certificate Albers School of Business and Economics. You constantly monitor and manage marketing activities and the achievement of the defined marketing goals. Get to know specific occupations that you can start after graduation. With the establishment of the IUBH Corporate Programmes in 2014, the rectorate was expanded to include the position of Prorector for Corporate Programmes. And do I have everything I need to study at IUBH? Travel and Hospitality. Du bist kreativ, entwickelst gerne Strategien und verstehst erfolgreiche Trends? Studiengang: International Marketing Management (Vollzeitstudium) - Hochschule: IUBH - Abschluss: Master of Arts - Regelstudienzeit: 2 Semester / 60 ECTS Punkte Ranking. Request information ... Masters marketing management ; Master … We have 15 IUBH University of Applied Sciences Masters Degrees. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. You will deepen your specialist knowledge of marketing and sales-related issues - with a focus on international business management. Bezüge zu anderen Modulen im Programm : • Management • Human Resource Management • Fallstudien Personalmanagement. 120 ECTS variant: In the second and third semester, you … M.A. 4. Clear Search. Deine Aufgaben. Marketing and sales managers face an increasingly complex and interactive variety of tasks. The most recent development in our story: Eligible students can combine both online and on-campus studies and … 2 Years (starting: Both semesters) Duration. zum Studiengang. 60-ECTS variant: In the first and second semester you choose a specialization " (" compulsory specialization ") from marketing management in the amount of 15 ECTS. Als Trainee unterstützt Du unser Content- Team der Dachmarken Website. IUBH Internationale Hochschule - Fernstudium Juri-Gagarin-Ring 152 99084 Erfurt Deutschland E-Mail: info@iubh-fernstudium.de Tel. Alle Infos zum Studium Mehr zum Studiengang erfahren. FERNSTUDIUM-BEWERTUNG.COM Jetzt das richtige Fernstudium finden. Transport & Logistics Management Lerne, wie man mit innovativem Know-how die komplexen Herausforderungen der Logistik-Branche meistert. You manage international marketing and advertising campaigns, working with partners, colleagues, and agencies around the world: With a Master’s degree in International Marketing you can take over marketing management in a global company. ... Marketing, Vertrieb, Sales Management, Online-Marketing, Social Media Marketing. The IUBH Master’s in International Marketing Management can help you do just that and give you firm skills in leadership and communication. In addition to relevant management know-how, the master's degree in marketing management provides you with extensive knowledge in the areas of marketing and sales. IUBH is the most innovative and qualitatively leading provider of career-oriented study and further education programmes for students and companies in Europe. … M.A. You manage international marketing and advertising campaigns, working with partners, colleagues and agencies around the world: With a Master’s degree in International Marketing you can take over marketing management in a global company. We have established campuses for students who want to complete their studies on site but also offer our full programmes online for distance learning. Learn about the Master International Marketing Management program at IUBH Internationale Hochschule GmbH using the MBA.com Program Finder tool. International Management (International Marketing) from School of Business fees, admission, eligibility, application, scholarships & ranking. Marketing (1 year full-time) (MSc) … Dann ist der Master Studiengang Marketingmanagement an der IUBH genau der richtige Start für Dich. Sprache: English. Back to results. 58 Studenten der IUBH Campus Studies bewerten das Studium mit 3,9 Sternen. are taught in … You will deepen your knowledge in the areas of business management and leadership through academic and practice-oriented modules. Bachelor’s degree, professional experience, Copyright © 2020 IUBH Internationale Hochschule - All rights reserved. Mit dem Master in Marketingmanagement (M.A.) Mögliche Schwerpunkte des Bachelorstudiengangs Marketingmanagement sind Online-Marketing und Sales & Distribution. ... (60 or 120 ECTS), MBA in Big Data Management (90 ECTS), MBA in IT Management (90 ECTS), MBA in Marketing (90 ECTS), MBA in Engineering Management (90 ECTS), an … Here is a detailed overview of our tuition fees and financing options. IUBH University of Applied Sciences. Marketingmanagement an der IUBH Internationale Hochschule - hier gibt es Infos zur Regelstudienzeit, Zulassung, Bewerbung und Studienbeiträgen für den Master of Arts. Die IUBH Internationale Hochschule ist eine private, staatlich anerkannte Hochschule. Master of Arts. Die Aktion gilt nur für Ersteinschreibungen bis zum 20.12.2020 in unser Bachelor- und Master-Fernstudienprogramm und nur für Nicht-Studierende des IUBH Fernstudiums. 89 views View 3 courses. *Monday to Friday from 8 am to 8 pm gmt +1, Copyright © 2020 IUBH Internationale Hochschule - All rights reserved, Master International Marketing Management. Minimum IELTS score. IUBH Shop. Their career prospects are good because, thanks to digitalisation, many … The IUBH Master’s in International Marketing Management can help you do just that and give you firm skills in leadership and communication. ist ein Lehrgang des Anbieters IUBH aus Bad Honnef, Deutschland. The IUBH Master’s in International Marketing Management can help you do just that and give you firm skills in leadership and communication. Sie bietet an 21 Standorten in Deutschland duale Bachelorprogramme an. Fernstudium IUBH. : +49 (0)30 311 988 00 Informationsmaterial Hier können Sie kostenloses Informations­material zu diesem Studiengang direkt vom Bildungsanbieter IUBH Internationale Hochschule - Fernstudium anfordern. 140 views View 3 courses. Location. With IUBH, you can study on campus, online, or switch between both with our new flexible studies option. Das Studium ergänzt Deine Kreativität mit der Fähigkeit, Zielgruppen zu identifizieren, Marken aufzubauen und Marketingstrategien zu … 60 ECTS. International Management (International Marketing) program and download course brochure. In mid-2013, IUBH merged with the Adam Ries University of Applied Sciences, thereby adding Dual Study to its study models. What will I learn during my studies? ... Grundsätzlich wird ein abgeschlossenes, … IUBH Dual Studies allow … ... International Marketing … Marketing at IUBH Online , listed on FindAMasters.com - a comprehensive database of Masters, MSc, MA, MPhil & MRes courses in the UK & Ireland. Der Master Studiengang International Marketing Management an der IUBH bereitet Dich auf anspruchsvolle Aufgaben in der weltweiten Wirtschaft vor. What you will learn from us. Master. Mon-Fri 8-17, Sat-Sun 10-16 (UK time) United Kingdom +44 203 936 1497 . Marketing and sales managers face an increasingly complex and interactive variety of tasks. 7 education programs to choose from. *Monday to Friday from 8 am to 8 pm gmt +1. ... Business and Management. konzipierte die IUBH einen Fernstudiengang mit schwerpunktmäßiger Ausrichtung auf Marketing, Vertrieb und Social Media. Fees, prices and reviews. M.A. Die Aufgabenbereiche umfassen zum Beispiel das Entwickeln von nationalen oder internationalen Marken und Produktstrategien, das Planen von zielgruppenspezifischen Produkt- und Vermarktungskonzepten oder die Gestaltung erfolgreicher Vertriebsprozesse. ECTS: 60 | Sprache: Englisch Campus Studium; Mehr erfahren. Language. The Virtual Classroom allows you to attend lectures via live video stream. The best guides to your Master in Management HEC Paris School of Management, Jouy-en-Josas Cedex, France EBS Universität, Oestrich-Winkel, Wiesbaden, Germany ... Starte jetzt in Dein Wunschstudium an der IUBH und profitiere nicht nur von 1.111€ Rabatt, sondern sichere Dir bis zum 20. You also train soft skills such as communication and intercultural competence in addition to methodological skills. IUBH ShopLogin CARE CommunityWebmailer Sprache: English Deutsch Apply now Request brochure Apply now Request brochure Master Study programmes Master International Management with Major Health Care Admission Bachelor Study programmes International ManagementAviation ManagementComputer ScienceHospitality Management Preparatory Programmes Bachelor … Learn more about IUBH at online info-sessions. Und jetzt kommst Du! By using this site you agree to their use. Wintersemester. Manager im Marketing und Vertrieb sehen sich einer zunehmend komplexen und interaktiven Aufgabenvielfalt gegenüber. €6290 - €6900 / €7990 - €8715 . Jetzt starten! Als Online Marketing Manager/in bist Du für die Organisation aller digitalen Marketingmaßnahmen eines Unternehmens zuständig – von der Konzeption über die Durchführung bis hin zur Erfolgskontrolle. Learn about the prerequisites here. 6.0. IUBH provides an education which is heavily practice-oriented, so that our graduates are immediately ready for work, and so that they know what to expect in their future career. ... Graduate outcomes +-English score required. Bewertungen & Fernstudium Vergleich des Studiengangs Master of Arts Marketingmanagement der IUBH. Applications by September 30th 2020 will receive a 2500 € Scholarship from IUBH! Application Deadlines . The deadline of the scholarship is . Immobilienmanagement 60/120 ECTS. Apply now Apply now Apply now Master degree programmes MBA Master Programmes MBA Programmes MBAMBA in Big Data ManagementMBA […] (Master of Arts) Subjects: Business and Economics . A Master in Marketing will thoroughly prepare you for various management functions with an emphasis on Marketing Management. Institution. 750 views View 10 courses. Internationales Marketing Management (B.A., Vollzeit) an der IUBH Internationale Hochschule in Bad Reichenhall. Master. 306 views View 10 courses. Abschluss . IUBH University of Applied Sciences provides quality programmes for Bachelor, Master, and MBA degrees with a whole new approach. Im Masterstudium Marketingmanagement erhältst Du neben relevantem Management-Know-how umfassendes Wissen im Bereich Marketing und Sales. The Master in IT Management specialisation at IUBH is specifically geared to the needs that arise from using advanced IT technologies. All Disciplines. With an optimal mix of specific marketing knowledge and general management know-how, the MBA prepares you well for a career in marketing, sales and brand building. From exciting start-ups to large corporate leaders, a master's in marketing management from IUBH will help you find your path to a successful career, driving marketing activities for all kinds of companies. The Master in IT Management specialisation at IUBH is specifically geared to the needs that arise from using advanced IT technologies. Mit Deinem interdisziplinären Master Studium für Digitale Innovation an der IUBH wirst Du zu einem wichtigen Gestalter des digitalen Wandels in der Gesellschaft und in Deinem Unternehmen. Auch das strategische Management der Werbekampagnen im Internet zählt zu Deinen Aufgaben als Online Marketing Manager. ... Criminal Justice Management Criminal Law Cultural Geography Curatorial Studies Dance Ballet Body Awareness Choreography Contemporary Dance Dance Performance ... Marketing (2) International Marketing (2) Market … Login. CARE Community Webmailer. Get qualified for positions in senior management with our international and practice-oriented postgraduate courses and master study prgrammes in Germany. Postgraduate. Mit einem Master Studium Marketing Management.

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