The HCU Hamburg - University of the Built Environment and Metropolitan Development - was founded by the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg in January 2006. customer support platform. Welcome to HCU! It aims to enable participants to promote sustainable development on an urban level in different geographical and cultural settings. grade C, A certification that the instruction language of your previous studies – at least four semesters – was English, A certification that you attended a school of general education of at least five years where the English language was used as the medium of instruction, A certification that you have had a professional and subject-related stay abroad of at least one year in a country where the official language is English. Bitte füllen Sie das Formular vollständig aus. HafenCity Universität Hamburg - Universität für Baukunst und Metropolenentwicklung (HCU) Second step: In addition, all applicants have to apply directly at HCU via the ahoi online application portal (1 June - 1 July): Tuition fees per semester in EUR None Combined Master's degree / PhD programme No In addition, all applicants have to apply directly at HCU via the ahoi online application portal (1 June - 1 July): It aims to enable participants to promote sustainable architecture and urban development in different geographical and cultural settings. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. With its approx. Hotline: +49 40 70 70 88 90 However, the programme is not intended to provide a specialisation solely in energy, water or material flows, respectively, as its main intent is to provide an integrative perspective of all resource flows. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. 5.3K likes. Montag, 12.10.2020 (12:00 Uhr), bis Donnerstag, 22.10.2020 (24:00 Uhr) Registration: 10-years-reap(at) REAP Flyer Mobile The Master of Science Degree Programme REAP – “Resource Efficiency in Architecture and Planning” is an international and interdisciplinary programme at HafenCity University Hamburg that is concerned with sustainable planning on different scales. *Hamburg is implementing an inter-university strategy to strengthen informatics and computer science in the context of digitalization. : You are free: to share – to copy, distribute and transmit the work; to remix – to adapt the work; Under the following conditions: attribution – You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. Next, click on the "Options" link near the top and select the appropriate "Download to" option. Project work allows students to explore fields that are of particular interest to them. HCU Hamburg admission for Winter session comes out late July or Early August, most international student usually defers the Winter semester because of no date for appointment of Visa. HCU HafenCity Universität Hamburg, Hamburg (Hamburg, Germany). World ranking 365720 altough the site value is $5 928.The charset for this site is … This may be: You do not have to pass an English language test, if one of the following conditions apply to you. All applicants with a non-German Bachelor's/Master's degree have to apply through Our professional excellence is based on the four disciplines that cover the spectrum from house to city: architecture, civil engineering, geodesy and geoinformatics, and urban planning. Nevertheless nearly all of our students have some sort of a part-time job in one of the study periods. 5.3K likes. 20457 Hamburg. The HCU Welcome Buddy program is aimed at helping the new international students (including exchange students) to settle well into their studies at the HCU as well as with living in Hamburg. The Master of Science in Resource Efficiency in Architecture and Planning is normally open to university graduates with a Bachelor's degree or German "Diplom" (university or FH) or the equivalent in Architecture, Urban Planning, Geography, Landscape Planning, Civil Engineering, Law, Political Science, Business and Administration, Economics, Humanities or others with a focus on REAP-related fields and a demonstrated strong interest in interdisciplinary approaches to environmental design and technology. Resource Efficiency in Architecture and Planning (REAP),,,, provides an overview of the complex relationships between building and urban services technology (i.e., building construction and renovation, energy and water supply, waste and waste water management) and the environment (i.e., resources and space consumption, impacts on environmental media and ecosystems), gives insight into patterns of user demand and behaviour and how they affect the technology-environment interaction. HCU muss noch auf ihr IT System arbeiten und ihr Portal (Ahoi) verbessern. HafenCity Universität Hamburg - Universität für Baukunst und Metropolenentwicklung (HCU) Albers Ahoi! The "studium fundamentale" and the study projects at HCU encourage students to diverge from the usual ways of thinking, develop their abilities to reflect, and use their powers of judgement in the complex and changing challenges of the future. First step: 2,300 students, HCU is a small university with a focus on addressing current and future issues facing our towns and cities. Bitte beachten Sie, dass sich alle Studierenden in jedem Fall selbst über das ahoi-Web-Portal während der Anmeldephasen verbindlich zu allen Lehrveranstaltungen und Prüfungen anmelden müssen. application deadline of the HCU in our ahoi portal, which is 1 July for the following winter semester. ist eine Gruppe junger Matrosen, die ihr Publikum auf eine musikalische Reise zum Mitsingen, Schunkeln und Staunen einlädt. unter +49 (0)40 4 28 27-2741 oder per mail an reviews experience with and conveys ideas for different forms of legal and economic organisation of planning, construction and urban services provision, teaches study and research methods and techniques for planning and decision support, Water, material and energy cycles in the city, Resource efficient urban technologies and infrastructure, Economics and administration of buildings and urban services, Urban planning on different scales: building (1:10-1:100), neighbourhood (1:500-1: 5,000) and city (1:10,000-1:100,000) scale and regarding the specific geographical and cultural context, Skills development: dimensioning, perception, assessment and decision making in the field of sustainable resource technologies, Research methods and decision support techniques, focused on a single discipline – it is interdisciplinary and follows an integrative and multidimensional planning approach, TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language): min. an eure Heimatadresse), müsst ihr dies formlos in einer Mail an beantragen (Frist: 11. Neues Ticket eröffnen. hamburg ahoi is the home for ideas, places and people that shape this city. You'll have to battle to get your grades or even have your ahoi portal functionning properly. For basic beginner level classes (A1), simply fill out the form using your HCU e-mail address. grade B, CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English): min. HCU has only a very LIMITED number of rooms for exchange students; therefore only about 30% of the incoming students will get one. The programme consists of lectures, seminars, and project work. Resource Efficiency in Architecture and Planning, Überseeallee 16 As such, the programme does not require expertise in architecture or engineering nor does it award a professional degree in architecture, urban planning or civil engineering. Hamburg Center for University Teaching and Learning (HUL ... have made or coded. While two-thirds of the courses are compulsory, in some areas the programme allows to choose between courses, too. ahoi hcu! customer support platform. You will also need to enter bank details: Please note that only German bank accounts are accepted. Therefore, we highly recommend to begin the search even before receiving your letter of acceptance and arriving in Hamburg. Dies bedeutet, dass ihr automatisch Briefwahlunterlagen an eure bei der HCU in ahoi hinterlegte Adresse zugeschickt bekommt. Most of our international students live in Haus Bauhütte (see for further information) or in rooms provided by Studierendenwerk Hamburg (see for further information). Wir sind der AStA, das StuPa und die FSRe. With 755 square kilometres, the city area is seven times larger than Paris and two and a half times larger than London. Afterwards the scientists slam to the applause meter and the ... With friendly support of and HITeC. Zusammen setzen wir uns für die Interessen der Studierenden der HafenCity Universität ein. Second step: Aktuelle Informationen. Applicants with a non-German university degree have to apply via uni-assist and the ahoi application portal of the HafenCity University. Please note: It is not at all easy to find adequate and affordable accommodation in Hamburg in time for the beginning of the semester. Please visit the websites of the universities for up-to-date information. The lectures and seminars impart basic knowledge about sustainable development at the urban level, in particular in the fields of water/waste water, energy, and materials. HCU HafenCity Universität Hamburg, Hamburg (Hamburg, Germany). Submit application to. However, for students who do not come from the EU or EEA countries, work is restricted; they are only allowed to work up to a specific number or hours. Gefällt 5.314 Mal. In this film, HCU students explain why they chose to study REAP. 570 points (paper-based), 230 points (computer-based) or 88 points (Internet-based), IELTS (International English Language Testing System): min. Auf der Reeperbahn«, »Oh Signorina«, »Nimm mich mit Kapitän« – wer kennt sie nicht, die herrliche Musik von Hans Albers mit Texten voller Seemannsromantik. Finally, select a date range and, optionally, an account to download transactions for, and click "Download". *Hamburg is implementing an inter-university strategy to strengthen informatics and computer science in the context of digitalization. Best regards, The cooperation platform increases and enhances cooperation in informatics education, research, and technology transfer between Universität Hamburg, the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW), the Hamburg University of Second step: Neues Ticket eröffnen. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. This will only take a few minutes, Hamburg boasts 31 theatres, six music halls, 10 cabarets and 50 state and private museums. Our reality is changing more rapidly than ever. 3. Eine Nachmeldung oder Abmeldung auf anderem Wege ist leider nicht möglich! Students can also obtain off-campus part-time jobs in the public sector or private industry in the field of REAP. The course language is English. HCU HafenCity Universität Hamburg, Hamburg. Falls ihr die Briefwahlunterlagen lieber an eine andere Adresse geschickt haben möchtet (bspw. Students who intend to work in Germany during their studies or afterwards are recommended to attend a German language course. Your DAAD Team. Hamburg Ahoi. First step: All applicants with a non-German Bachelor's/Master's degree have to apply through In addition, all applicants have to apply directly at HCU via the HCU online application system (1 June – 1 July). Site title of is HafenCity Universität Hamburg (HCU): Start. Allgemeine Anmeldephase Insgesamt wurde das Studium bisher 8 Mal bewertet. HafenCity Universität Hamburg - Universität für Baukunst und Metropolenentwicklung (HCU) Submit application to. Dear students and all interested parties. First step: All applicants with a non-German Bachelor's/Master's degree have to apply through HafenCity Universität Hamburg - Universität für Baukunst und Metropolenentwicklung (HCU) English Die Allianz derHamburger Hochschulenfür Informatik Digitalisierung als gemeinsame Herausforderung Die Digitalisierung ist eine Herausforderung der wir uns gemeinsam stellen müssen. In, Universität Hamburg, the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW), the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), and HafenCity University Hamburg (HCU) are intensifying cooperation in education, research, and technology transfer. Um Sie bei Fragen und Problemen zu unterstützen, steht Ihnen wieder ein Team an ahoi-Tutoren zur Seite. Project work is inspired by the research activities at the university and can in turn contribute to this research. First step: All applicants with a non-German Bachelor's/Master's degree have to apply through AIR HAMBURG - Ihre individuelle Fluggesellschaft. Projects are real-time, real-world case studies. UD is concerned with the urban: Its object is the contemporary-future urban society in the practice(d) forms of its co- and constant re-production. we are re-designing our website and want to include you in the process. The Master's programme consists of 17 study modules taught over two academic years. Among other things, he set the course for the development of HafenCity. Bei technischen Anmeldeschwierigkeiten nutzen Sie bitte wie immer in ahoi unter âHilfeâ das Support-Formular. Second step: For more info, please see: Bitte beachten Sie, dass sich alle Studierenden in jedem Fall selbst über das ahoi-Web-Portal während der Anmeldephasen verbindlich zu allen Lehrveranstaltungen und Prüfungen anmelden müssen. The HafenCity University Hamburg (German: HafenCity Universität Hamburg) — also known as the University Of The Built Environment And Metropolitan Development — is a public university in Hamburg, Germany which is focused on architecture, civil engineering and urban planning courses.. Bitte füllen Sie das Formular vollständig aus. On-page Analysis, Page Structure, Backlinks, Competitors and Similar Websites. The Master of Science degree programme "Resource Efficiency in Architecture and Planning" (REAP) is an international and interdisciplinary study programme at the HafenCity University of Hamburg. Universitatea Tehnică Cluj … Erstsemesteranmeldephase Hilfsbereit hören wir euch zu, machen inhaltsvolle Veranstaltungen, geben Impulse und verleihen euch eine Stimme. The schedule of the event is as follows: Experience with scientific work is useful, as is a general interest in environmental problems. Please fill out a short questionnaire. but will help us tremendously to determine how we can improve the usability of our website. First step: As an exchange student, it's not going to be easy. To do this, login to HCU Online Banking, go to the Accounts tab -> Account Summary. Incoming visitors can rate the prototypes, so we can choose a winning team from HAW, UHH, TUHH and HCU. Creative Space for Technical Innovations, HAW Hamburg, University of Hamburg TU, Technical University Hamburg-Harburg City Science Lab, HCU Hamburg place and time. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license. Submit application to. Auf träumerische Weise besingen und erzählen die waschechten Jungens von der […] With this programme, the HCU targets people from all over the world with a wide range of academic backgrounds and work experience, sharing an interest in technology and society and a concern for urban life. The main emphasis of the Master's programme REAP lies on technology for the provision of urban and building services, yet it also investigates the socio-economic context in which these services are provided and managed. fundbureau, Stresemannstraße 114, 22769 Hamburg (Directions) 23 January 2020, 7 p.m. ..\temp\menu\c_.css keypadDescription Für maximale Nutzerfreundlichkeit empfehlen wir, die Ausführung von JavaScript und Cookies zu erlauben.Mithilfe der folgenden Accesskeys können Sie im Portal navigieren: 1 Hauptmenü 2 Inhalt 3 Zurück zu dieser Anleitung 7, CAE (Cambridge Certificate of Advanced English): min. 2. The Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, one of the 16 states of the Federal Republic of Germany, with its 1.8 million inhabitants, is the second largest city in Germany. IP is on Apache works with 297 ms speed. The Master's programme is geared towards academic individuals with work experience in a field related to REAP. The university itself offers to students the opportunity to work as assistant for lectures, research or projects under the supervision of a professor. The cooperation platform increases and enhances cooperation in informatics education, research, and technology transfer between Universität Hamburg, the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW), the Hamburg University of Das Studium wird als Vollzeitstudium angeboten. Mindtree Candidate Portal Login The Business Shop Https Portal Aduser Login Nechikali Azc Uam Mx Webmail Https Identity Str Com My Chamberlain Edu Portal Det Enterprise Portal Login Page Ahoi Hcu Hamburg Lastpass Com Sign In Mycw15 Eclinicalweb Portal 935 Jsp 100mp Login Saks 4 Portal St Marys College Of Maryland Portal Igl Das Studium "Architektur" an der staatlichen "HCU - HafenCity Universität Hamburg" hat eine Regelstudienzeit von 6 Semestern und endet mit dem Abschluss "Bachelor of Science". Thank you very much for your support! The Reeperbahn, formerly known as the "Sin Mile", has numerous bars, cafés, and discos as well as many other interesting sites that can not be found anywhere else. Now it's finally official: Since November, HCU has been operating under its new address: HafenCity University Hamburg Henning-Voscherau-Platz 1 20457 Hamburg Germany Dr. Henning Voscherau (1941-2016) was First Mayor of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg from 1988 to 1997. Economically and culturally, Hamburg is also the centre of all Northern Germany. Jet Charterflüge für ganz Europa! In addition, all applicants have to apply directly at HCU via the ahoi online application portal (1 June - 15 July): Second step: Admission is free Procedure. To reset your password, submit your username or your email address below. * *Universität Hamburg is Es wird immer Chaotisch und es gibt mehrere Studierende, die mit ihre Module unzufrieden sind. Eine Nachmeldung oder Abmeldung auf anderem Wege ist … This work experience may be gained prior to or during enrolment at the university. Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. You can submit your application at uni-assist starting from 1 March each year for the following winter semester. Students from the European Union and the EEA stand practically on equal terms with German students and have free access to the German job market. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. Examples include the following: designing a building-based, integrated supply-treatment system for water and waste water; developing a plan for the environmentally sound retrofit of a housing block; and devising an incentive-based scheme for refuse management or recycling of building materials. In addition, all applicants have to apply directly at HCU via the ahoi online application portal (1 June - 15 July): They range from the Kunsthalle Art Museum and the State Opera to music clubs on the Reeperbahn. For this reason, it is advantageous for students to have relevant professional experience they can draw on for their project work. HCU HafenCity Universität Hamburg, Hamburg (Hamburg, Germany). Further information: The "Kiez", as the natives call it, even gave the Beatles their start in the early 1960s. Due to the current situation, there may be changes in the individual course offers. New solutions for metropolitan problems thus demand disciplinary excellence as well as openness to neighbouring disciplines such as social sciences, humanities, and metropolitan culture. Our goal at HCU is to foster lifelong learning and the continual search for new solutions. High quality Hansestadt gifts and merchandise. imparts knowledge of resource-efficient technologies, e.g., energy generation from renewable sources, as well as underlying principles, such as source separation and the closing of material cycles, demand side management, decentralised, modularised service provision, etc. Part-time studies are possible, but they are subject to restrictions for some international students. With the help and guidance from faculty the students develop recommendations and solutions. Die überparteiliche Interessensvertretung aller Studierenden - von jedem Menschen der an der HCU studiert oder studieren möchte, von EUCH! Please take into account the following information: 1. All applicants from countries in which the official language is not English are required to submit official evidence of sufficient English language proficiency. At the same time, they can apply their practical skills and deepen their experience in developing specific concepts for (potential) real world problems. For them, Hamburg is a shopping and cultural metropolis. 280K likes. Was ich bei HCU nicht zu gut finde ist die Organisation besonders am Anfang von jedes Semester. Matriculation number: you can find it on you HCU student ID or on your HCU Semester Ticket. All classes of this programme are given in English language. Montag, 26.10.2020 (12:00 Uhr), bis Mittwoch, 28.10.2020 (24:00 Uhr). German employment regulations have to be considered before taking on a job. Up to 14% of the city area is made up of green spaces and recreational areas. The HafenCity University Hamburg — University of the Built Environment and Metropolitan Development) (HCU Hamburg) — was founded by the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg on January 1, 2006 as a merger of four departments from three Hamburg universities. Uni-assist needs up to six weeks for checking the certificates, Therefore, we recommend that applicants submit the documents at uni-assist early enough to keep the application deadline of the HCU in our ahoi portal, which is 1 July for the following winter semester. Due to the intense nature of the programme, working while studying is sometimes difficult but possible. Studierendenvertretung der HafenCity Universität. Hamburg Graduate Schoolfor Data-Driven Participatory Smart Cities read more The is seeking for talented graduates with strong computing background who are interested in pursuing a doctoral project which focuses on studying or designing data-centered participatory smart cities, including smart city infrastructures, systems, and services. 5.3K likes. If you want to accreditate yourself for the opening event in the Elbphilharmonie (1st October, 1 pm), please send an e-mail to until the 15th of September. They are grouped around the project work that is characteristic for the REAP programme. : You are free: to share – to copy, distribute and transmit the work; to remix – to adapt the work; Under the following conditions: attribution – You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. Show more Show less. In this case, you have to submit instead of an English language test: In order to be prepared for German everyday life and to work in Germany if so desired, REAP students may attend German language courses at different levels at the HafenCity University Hamburg. Sie erreichen diese während der Anmeldephasen täglich von 14 bis 17 Uhr per Telefon Second step: The Master of Science degree programme REAP is an international and interdisciplinary programme at HafenCity University Hamburg that is concerned with sustainable planning on different scales. Welcome Buddy Programm. SEO rating for If we can find you in the database, an email will be sent to your email address, with instructions how to get access again. *Hamburg is implementing an inter-university strategy to strengthen informatics in digitalization. Der Standort des Studiums ist Hamburg. Approximately 3.5 million people live in the metropolitan region of Hamburg. In addition, all applicants have to apply directly at HCU via the ahoi online application portal (1 June - 1 July):
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