more, Is this a romantic place or activity that you would suggest for, Is this a place or activity you would suggest for, Are the prices for this place or activity, Is this a must-do if you are traveling with a, The ruins are a short train ride from Basel SBB and then about a 15 min walk uphill to the entrance. Es schien, dass viele Kinder in der Villa … The farm was probably founded in the late 1st century, a greater … +41 (0)61 552 22 22 or Augusta Raurica ist ein touristisches Highlight: Es bietet ein imposantes Theater, einen prächtigen Silberschatz, spannende Mitmachaktionen für alle, ein romantisches Römerhaus und vieles mehr. Keine Reservierungsgebühren. Jahrhundert n. Chr. Hotels near Augusta Raurica, Augst on Tripadvisor: Find 3,551 traveler reviews, 233 candid photos, and prices for 1,363 hotels near Augusta Raurica in Augst, Switzerland. Der bescheuerte Mosaizist von Augusta Raurica. mit seiner «Reparatur» ein repräsentatives Mosaik einer Villa in Augusta Raurica ruinierte. Augusta Raurica. Nachgebaute römische Villa mit Gebrauchsgegenständen, perfekter Einblick ins Alltagsleben der Römer in Augusta Raurica Be sure to get a map so that you don't get lost, but also so that you don't miss the 13, HeK Haus der elektronischen Kunste Basel, Basel Historical Museum – Museum of Music. Finden Sie online Hotels nahe Römerstadt Augusta Raurica, Schweiz. Start: 14.00Duration: approx. Big Farm und Hoflieferant von Augusta Raurica (Ganztägig) Ager A18. © Augusta Raurica, Bildungs-, Kultur- und Sportdirektion des Kanton Basel-Landschaft, Booking guided tours, workshops, aperitifs and didactic material, An afternoon of playing for big and small, Kaiseraugst – the picturesque village inside the Roman fort, Unsolved cases: a hunt for archaeological clues, The Season in Augusta Raurica: Events, Exhibitions and Highlights. There seem to be a lot of children at the villa and museum. Switzerland. The main part of the site around the theater has been really well preserved, and as you walk out to, One of the best examples of Roman influence. A great connoisseur of antiquities, the wealthy patron wished to enable the wider public to experience Roman culture first-hand, which prompted him to donate the Roman house to “the people” in 1955. For the p, It's a 20 minute train ride from Basel and another 10 minute walk but it is well worth it. A very interesting place, A whole Roman city which is slowly being uncovered. The best-preserved ancient theatre north of the Alps. Spannend, lehrreich und erholsam – so präsentiert sich die römische Stadt Augusta Raurica … On 25/10/2020. Spannende Workshops, beschauliche Spaziergänge und lauschige Picknickplätze im Grünen machen den Ausflug in die Römerzeit zu einem unvergesslichen Erlebnis: Das imposante römische Theater, die authentische römische Villa… There is plenty to see and it is interesting that so much remains uncovered and yet to be investigated. 188 Bewertungen. As part of an exclusive … Die Augster Museumshefte 23 "Gaumenfreuden" berichten darüber, was in Augusta Raurica … Augusta Raurica is a Roman archaeological site and an open-air museum in Switzerland located on the south bank of the Rhine river about 20 km east of Basel near the villages of Augst and Kaiseraugst. Römermuseum (Museum): Augst: Größtes archäologisches Freilichtmuseum der Nordwestschweiz. Aber Augusta Raurica … Nr. Take time to walk around the whole, Great for history nerds or those who like to hike. Participants in guided tours from 12 years of age are required to wear a face mask. The site was in its zenith a highly equipped magnificent villa that was owned by a putative member of the upper class of Augusta Raurica. So, be prepared for many noisy, This is an amazing Roman town fairly recently discovered where over 10,000 people once lived. ... Mosaic from an Urban Villa at Augusta Raurica. Buchen Sie online und zahlen Sie im Hotel. It … June 29 at 5:13 AM. Eine römische Verlobung - Du erfährst, dass sich Mädchen in Augusta Raurica sehr früh verlobten. High above Augusta Raurica, surrounded by a well-maintained historical park, is the country estate of chemist, pilot and … Römisches Theater Augusta Raurica, auch als Colonia Augusta Rauricorum bekannt, ist eine Siedlung aus römischer Zeit am Südufer des Rheins einige Kilometer östlich von Basel, die zunächst zur Provinz … This mosaic came from a manorial villa in the city center of Augusta Raurica. The villa of René Clavel High above Augusta Raurica, surrounded by a well-maintained historical park, is the country estate of chemist, pilot and globetrotter René Clavel (1886-1969). It was created around c. 200 CE, and it decorated the floor of a summer dinning room. The small museum contains the best collection of 4th century Roman silver yet found. Augusta Raurica: Interesting visit - See 188 traveler reviews, 209 candid photos, and great deals for Augst, Switzerland, at Tripadvisor. It is the site of the oldest known Roman colony on the Rhine. Vor dem Museum von Augusta Raurica in Augst findest du – quasi als Einführung in die Römerstadt – das grösste Bronzemodell, das je von einer römischen Stadt angefertigt wurde. The open theater and the arch make you feel you are really in a roman city. More than 30 monuments have been conserved including the amphitheatre. Augusta Raurica, or Colonia Augusta Rauracorum, was founded by Lucius Munatius Plancus around 44 BC in the vicinity of a local Gallic tribe, the Rauraci, relatives of the Helvetii.No archaeological evidence … This mosaic was created around c 205 CE. 14m² gross und 1,2 … Booking through our customer service is recommended.Tel. Dort angekommen besuchten die Schüler*Innen zunächst … The property is not open to the public, but can be well overlooked from some spots in Augusta Raurica. 10:00 bis 11:30. Augusta Raurica Einblicke ins römische Leben. Visiting this place would be a nice outing over a summer weekend. Insurance is the responsibility of the participants. A mysterious well shaft. Die römischen Ruinen und rekonstruiert Villa sind interessant, wenn Sie daran interessiert sind in der römischen Geschichte. The Roman city of Augusta Raurica and museum and the Villa Clavel auf Castelen are listed as Swiss heritage site of national significance. AUGUSTA RAURICA Die Römerstadt -- The Roman Town -- La Ville Romaine The entire Augusta Raurica site is part of the Inventory of Swiss … Vallis V3. This is the version of our website addressed to speakers of English in the United States. Augusta Raurica venne fondata attorno al 44 a.c. dal luogotenente di Giulio Cesare, Lucio Munazio Planco, in un'area occupata da una locale tribù gallica, i Raurici, un piccolo popolo molto battagliero e … The Roman ruins and reconstructed villa are interesting to see if you are interested in Roman history. … Die Männer liegen beim Essen - Du erfährst, wie in Augusta Raurica gefeiert wurde. The largest late antique silver treasure. # augustaraurica # römer # römerhaus # villa # mosaik # antike # archäologie # gladiator # kampf @ Augusta Raurica See More. This mosaic formed part of a luxurious palace in the southern part of the Roman city of Augusta Raurica, which is near what is present-day Basel, Switzerland. 1 von 2 Aktivitäten in Augst. Erfahren Sie, was Sie bei uns alles erleben können! Werkzeugschmiede (Ganztägig) ganzes Festareal. The villa of René Clavel, lover of antiquities Events. AUGUSTA RAURICA Ab in die Antike! Die Stiftung Pro Augusta Raurica … The museum, great collection of artifacts and wealth of information. We had been here when we were in basel. Spezialmuseen, Historische Stätten, Alte Ruinen. Am 10.10.2019 fuhren die Klassen 6a und 6b nach Augusta Raurica bei Basel in der Schweiz. There seem to be a lot of children at the villa and museum. Augusta Raurica: Spannend, lehrreich und erholsam Die Römerzeit fasziniert. 2K likes. More than 10,000 people lived in this Roman settlement along the Rhine, and for a few hours you can visit thi, Giebenacherstrasse 17, Augst 4302 Switzerland. As part of an exclusive tour, we will guide you through the house with its original interior whilst recounting stories about the Clavel family from Basel. Waren die Römer*innen toleranter … Augusta Raurica, Augst - Δείτε κριτικές, πληροφορίες και φωτογραφίες στο Tripadvisor (Augusta Raurica, Augst) ... Το Villa βρίσκεται δίπλα στο ξενοδοχείο είναι ένα θαύμα, και μπορείτε να καθίσετε και να … Augusta Raurica; Suchen. Augusta Raurica is a Roman archaeological site and an open-air museum in Switzerland located on the south bank of the Rhine river about 20 km east of Basel near the villages of Augst and Kaiseraugst. Long Description: EN: The Villa Clavel on Castelen is a large estate at Giebenacherstrasse in Augst, just north of Augusta Raurica. Reconstructed example of a "typical" Roman home, the theature, temple ruins. Äußerst interessante Freilichtanlage der Römerstadt Augusta Raurica (zur Blütezeit vor 1800 Jahren … If you are a resident of another country or region, please select the appropriate version of Tripadvisor for your country or region in the drop-down menu. Villa Munzach. Spannende Geschichte zum Erleben und Anfassen: Willkommen in Augusta Raurica! Guided tour in English: Sun 20th September, 2.30 pm. The Roman ruins and reconstructed villa are interesting to see if you are interested in Roman history. Augusta Raurica ist das perfekte Ausflugsziel – für die ganze Familie, für Ihre Schulklasse oder als Gruppe mit Führung. … The ruins span a large area and are free! 75 minutesAge: from 16 years of ageMeeting point: Museum receptionPrice: CHF 16.–/CHF 8.– (including entrance ticket for the Museum)Tickets must be purchased prior to the event at the museum reception. Wie ein anonymer Künstler im 3. Augusta Raurica. Augusta Raurica: Spannend, lehrreich und erholsam Die Römerzeit fasziniert. CURSUS FAMILIARIS - Probefahrten. Würfelspiel. Experience hands on the captivating history of the site: welcome to Augusta Raurica! Visit the Roman house and the museum where there is an incredible collection of silver. There were many groups of kids there and seemed to be constantly coming and going. Augusta Raurica. Spannende Workshops, beschauliche Spaziergänge und lauschige Picknickplätze im Grünen machen den Ausflug in die Römerzeit zu einem unvergesslichen Erlebnis: Das imposante römische Theater, die authentische römische Villa… The museum has a small fee and you can see the silver that was found, untouched for 1700 years. Augusta Raurica: A must - See 188 traveler reviews, 209 candid photos, and great deals for Augst, Switzerland, at Tripadvisor. Augusta Raurica, Augst, Switzerland. Laurent Flutsch. High above Augusta Raurica, surrounded by a well-maintained historical park, is the country estate of chemist, pilot and globetrotter René Clavel (1886-1969). There were many groups of kids there and … Gute Verfügbarkeiten und attraktive Preise. Follow Us: Membership.
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