Ils s’expriment dans la revue Plan, qui commence à paraître dès 1945, publie en 1946 un Appel à la méfiance de Ilse Aichinger (Aufruf zum Misstrauen), contre une reconstruction aveugle et amnésique, et en 1948 dix-sept poèmes de Paul Celan. Der Geburtstag von Paul Celan vor 100 Jahren, am 23. The volume is haunted by the death of their first child, only a few days old, in 1953. Each of his early poems, Celan wrote to an editor in 1946, was “accompanied by the feeling that I’ve now written my last poem.” The work included an elegy in the form of a Romanian folk song—“Aspen tree, your leaves gaze white into the dark. A portrait of Bachmann’s relationship with the poet Paul Celan can be found in Ingeborg Bachmann–Paul Celan: Correspondence (2010, translated by Wieland Hoban). Paul Celan - René Char : Correspondance (1954–1968) ; Correspondance René Char - Gisèle Celan-Lestrange (1969–1977), Édition établie, présentée et annotée par Bertrand Badiou, Éditions Gallimard, 2015. All that came to an end on July 6, 1941, when German and Romanian Nazi troops invaded. Before Celan turned twenty, it would be annexed by the Soviet Union. Er hieß ursprünglich Paul Antschel, später rumänisiert Ancel, woraus das Anagramm Celan entstand. Le Temps du cœur, Correspondance, Traduction de Bertrand Badiou, Éditions de Seuil, 2011. In the still above, actors Laurence Rupp (as Celan) and Anja Plaschg (Bachmann). Joris imagines his translations as akin to the medical diagrams that reproduce cross-sections of anatomy on plastic overlays, allowing the student to leaf forward and backward to add or subtract levels of detail. L’amour ou l’amitié l’ont liée à beaucoup d’entre eux, et à d’autres plus âgés aussi, comme Heinrich Böll ou Max Frisch. Amsterdam, Meulenhoff, 2010. Hans Egon Holthusen, a former S.S. officer who became a critic for a German literary magazine, called the poem a Surrealist fantasia and said that it “could escape the bloody chamber of horrors and rise up into the ether of pure poetry,” which appalled Celan: “Deathfugue” was all too grounded in the real world, intended not to escape or transcend the horrors but to actualize them. RUTH BECKERMANN: The idea that two people (not necessarily actors) should play voice artists recording the letters in a sound studio for an audio book or radio show was there from the very start. “Only one thing remained reachable, close and secure amid all losses: language,” Celan once said. Paul Celan e Ingeborg Bachmann si confrontano con Ungaretti Paul Celan: The post-Holocaust poet | Books | DW | 23.11.2020 But he did not intend for four books to be read together in a single volume. The French writer Jean Daive, who was close to Celan in his last years—and whose memoir about him, “Under the Dome” (City Lights), has just appeared in English, translated by Rosmarie Waldrop—remembers him reading “the newspapers, all of them, technical and scientific works, posters, catalogues, dictionaries and philosophy.” Other people’s conversations, words overheard in shops or in the street, all found their way into his poetry. ♦. All rights reserved. Get book recommendations, fiction, poetry, and dispatches from the world of literature in your in-box. « La librairie … The contrast between their backgrounds was a source of torment for Celan. . Reviewing “Speechgrille” for a Berlin newspaper, another critic wrote that Celan’s “store of metaphors is not won from reality nor serves it,” and compared his Holocaust poems to “exercises on music paper.” To a friend from his Bucharest days, Celan joked, “Now and again they invite me to Germany for readings. Avec Bertrand Badiou, traducteur de Paul Celan et chercheur à l'Unité de recherche Paul-Celan du Département Littérature et Langages de École Normale Supérieure et Werner Wögerbauer, professeur de littérature allemande à l'Université de Nantes, à l’occasion de la parution du Cahier Paul Celan (L’Herne, 2020) dont ils ont codirigé l’édition avec Clément Fradin. Ingeborg Bachmann und Paul Celan. Paul Celan e Ingeborg Bachmann, dois dos grandes poetas de língua alemã, do século XX não casaram, não tiveram filhos, não foram felizes para sempre. Der eigentliche Entdecker der Bachmann ist der Lyriker Hermann Hakel, auch er ein Förderer junger Talente. It is the speakers—the inmates of a death camp—who are near to God: “We are near, Lord, / near and graspable.” Their bodies are “clawed into each other,” “windbent.” There is no mistaking the anger in their voices. Elle était de la génération de Günter Grass,Martin Walser, Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Thomas Bernhard, Paul Celan. Once, while reading the poetry of Paul Celan, I had an experience I can describe only as mystical. They spoke, Celan writes, of “the Too Much . Joris, whose language sometimes tends toward lit-crit jargon, acknowledges that his primary goal as translator was “to get as much of the complexity and multiperspectivity of Celan’s work into American English as possible,” not to create elegant, readable versions. Biden Calls for Unity in His First Speech as President-Elect. correspondence of Ingeborg Bachmann and Paul Celan. To revisit this article, select My Account, then View saved stories. In diesem Briefband grüßen sie noch einmal aus der … Did that influence your choice of title, The Dreamed Ones, which is taken from one of Bachmann's letters? Celan Paul (2008) Ingeborg Bachmann – Paul Celan: Herzzeit. Les rayons pour nous ils soufflent et nous amoncellent. . Details: It’s not uncommon for a film to have a moving love story at its core. Morte dans un incendie à Rome (1973), en rupture avec son pays (comme son compatriote et admirateur, l’écrivain Thomas Bernhardt), elle écrit poèmes, essais, un roman, Malina, (adapté par Werner Schroeter, avec Isabelle Huppert) et entretient une correspondance passionnante avec Paul Celan. Paul Pésaj Antschel o Paul Pésaj Ancel (Chernivtsi, Reino de Rumanía; 23 de noviembre de … “Let this grim era of demonization in America begin to end––here and now,” he said. Adding to the linguistic layers, his later works incorporate gibberish as well as foreign phrases. How did you approach the scenic writing involved? The rest were deported. His works are collected in English in Poems of Paul Celan: A Bilingual German/English Edition and Selected Poems and Prose of Paul Celan, among other books. In Paris, Munich, Zurich and Rome. It was as if the poem opened up and I entered into it. Aansluitend de briefwisseling tussen Paul Celan en Max Frisch en tussen Ingeborg Bachmann en Gisèle Celan-Lestrange. Zunächst himmelt die junge Doktorandin den aus der Bukowina kommenden Dichter unterordnungsbereit an. She later recalled her teen-age years reading forbidden authors—Baudelaire, Zweig, Marx—while listening for the whine of bombers. The best way to approach Celan’s poetry may be, in Daive’s words, as a “vibration of sense used as energy”—a phenomenon that surpasses mere comprehension. Ingeborg Bachmann, Paul Voir également Hélène bord de la fiction, le long- 12. Paul Celan was het meest gebruikte pseudoniem van Paul Antschel (een anagram van zijn Roemeense achternaam Ancel. / We are near.” A more searing indictment of God’s absence during the Holocaust—a topic of much analysis by theologians in the decades since—can hardly be imagined. Ad Choices. . “Psalm” opens,“NoOne kneads us again of earth and clay, / noOne conjures our dust. L'œuvre de Bachmann et celle de Celan entretiennent un dialogue constant, dense, intense, crypté, dans lequel tout est signe et tout fait sens : un univers de mots, de poèmes qui se répondent et laissent deviner tout un réseau de correspondances. Paul Celan wählte im April 1970 den Freitod, Ingeborg Bachmann folgte ihm drei Jahre später in einem Hotelzimmer in Rom. I think by then I was secretly hoping it would turn into a sort of Kammerspiel, an intimate psychological study. At a reading held at the University of Bonn, someone left an anti-Semitic cartoon on his lectern. When we started filming the two actors, Anja Plaschg and Laurence Rupp, were so powerful that the condensed version worked fine. An earlier version of this article misstated the publication date of Weilan Hoban’s English translation of the correspondence between Paul Celan and Ingeborg Bachmann. Aus deutschsprachiger jüdischer Familie stammend, einziges Kind des Bautechnikers Leo Antschel-Teitler (1890-1942), der den Lebensunterhalt der Familie als Brennholzmakler verdient, und seiner Ehefrau Friederike ("Fritzi"), geb. Paul Celan (Cernauti, nu Tsjernivtsi in Oekraïne, 23 november 1920 - Parijs, rond 20 april 1970) was een Duitstalige dichter. Diffusion sur France Culture les 3, 4, 5, 6 et 7 septembre 2012. Even the anti-Semites have discovered me.” But the critics’ words tormented him. (The exception is Celan’s first collection, published in Vienna in 1948, which printing errors forced him to withdraw; he used some of those poems in his next book.) Chats during cigarette breaks, in the stairwell and the canteen, lead into the present. “Those two syllables grip the rhythm better than ‘Germany,’ ” Felstiner explained. It was about twenty years ago, and I was working at a job that required me to stay very late one or two nights a week. To revisit this article, visit My Profile, then View saved stories. Even in a new landscape, memories of the war were inescapable. The commentaries accompanying his poetry in the definitive German edition, some of which Joris includes in his translation, run to hundreds of pages. He would sometimes compose poems while walking and dictate them to his wife from a public phone booth. Both of Celan’s parents were murdered by the Nazis; he was imprisoned in labor camps. His mother was shot the following winter. Paul Celan was born into a German-speaking Jewish family in Romania; he lived in France and wrote in German. Anja Plaschg as Ingeborg Bachmann and Laurence Rupp as Paul Celan in Die Geträumten. Ingeborg Bachmann / Paul Celan. Jewishness,” of something he calls simply “that”: There was talk of your God, I spokeagainst him, Ilet the heart I hadhope:forhis highest, his death-rattled, hiscontending word—, Celan told Sachs that he hoped “to be able to blaspheme and quarrel to the end.” In response, she said, “We just don’t know what counts”—a line that Celan fragmented at the end of his poem. Der Band Herzzeit erzählt die Geschichte einer Liebe. Talvez não … Ingeborg Bachmann – La poétesse en colère au chevet du monde malade dans Esprits nomades. Oktober 1973 in Rom; gelegentliches Pseudonym Ruth Keller) war eine österreichische Schriftstellerin. He was annoyed by critics who called his work hermetic, urging them to simply “keep reading, understanding comes of itself.” He called poems “gifts—gifts to the attentive,” and quoted the seventeenth-century philosopher Nicolas Malebranche: “Attention is the natural prayer of the soul.” Both poetry and prayer use words and phrases, singly or in repetition, to draw us out of ourselves and toward a different kind of perception. His reprieve lasted only a few weeks: in July he was deported to a labor camp in the south of Romania. Ingeborg Bachmann starb 1973, eine glimmende Zigarette setzte ihre Wohnung in Brand. Ingeborg Bachmann Correspondence (The German List) Hardcover – August 15, 2010 by Paul Celan (Author), Ingeborg Bachmann (Author), Wieland Hoban (Translator) The trough from which they drink is filled with blood. Celan travelled to Zurich to meet Sachs, who lived in Sweden; she had received a German literary prize, but refused to stay in the country overnight. Felstiner said that, when he first encountered the poems, he knew he’d have to immerse himself in them “before doing anything else.” Pierre Joris, in the introduction to “Memory Rose Into Threshold Speech” (Farrar, Straus & Giroux), his new translation of Celan’s first four published books, writes that hearing Celan’s poetry read aloud, at the age of fifteen, set him on a path that he followed for fifty years. His poems, now translated into English in their entirety, are an invitation to a new kind of reading. The story of the relationship between the Austrian and the Jew from Czernowitz is told through their nearly 20-year correspondence (1948–1967). November 1920 in Czernowitz, Großrumänien (heute Ukraine); vermutlich 20. Most of Celan’s poems to Bachmann were written in her absence: in July, 1948, he went to Paris, where he spent the rest of his life. I felt “him,” that presence, whoever he might be, “unseen” and yet “real.” The poem features one of Celan’s signature neologisms. After the war, he lived briefly in Bucharest and Vienna before settling in Paris. Biografie. In one famous example, images in the late poem “You Lie Amid a Great Listening” have been identified as referring to the murders of the German revolutionaries Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg and to the execution of the conspirators who tried to assassinate Hitler in 1944. November 1920, war für uns ein Anlass, Simone Frieling um Antworten zu einigen Fragen zu bitten, die seine langjährige, doch hochproblematische Beziehung mit Ingeborg Bachmann betreffen. Though he wrote almost exclusively in German, he cannot properly be called a German poet: his loyalty was to the language, not the nation. Drawing on the vocabulary of such fields as botany, ornithology, geology, and mineralogy, and on medieval or dialect words that had fallen out of use, he invented a new form of German, reconceiving the language for the world after Auschwitz. Nous portons le clair reflet, la douleur et le nom. Bachmann to Celan, Munich, 2 February, 1958 . Politique de l’amour : Ingeborg Bachmann et Paul Celan une correspondance Le 17 mai 1948, une jeune femme écrit à ses parents : « Le poète surréaliste Paul Celan, dont j’ai pu faire la connaissance en compagnie de Hans Weigel avant-hier soir, et qui est très fascinant, est merveilleusement tombé amoureux de moi, et cela met un peu d’épices dans ma vie … This is certainly true, but I wish that Joris had made more of an effort to reproduce the rhythm and music of Celan’s verse in the original, rather than focussing so single-mindedly on meaning and texture. Paul Celan. The correspondence describes a love that was lived but at the same time, to a much greater extent, a love that wasn't lived. As Joris writes, Celan intended his poems to be read in cycles rather than one at a time, so that the reader could pick up on the patterns. He enrolled in Romance studies at the local university, which he was able to continue under Soviet occupation the following year. Elle vient de publier son second recueil de poèmes, Abstract: The poetry of Paul Celan, according to Ingeborg Bachmann, is of great personal and poetic importance. . The poem’s image of humanity as a flower echoes the blood of “Tenebrae”: “the corona red / from the scarlet-word, that we sang / above, O above / the thorn.”, Some critics have seen the fractured syntax of Celan’s later poems as emblematic of his progressively more fragile mental state. In contrast to “Tenebrae,” which angrily addresses a God who is presumed to exist, the theological poems in “The NoOnesRose” insist on God’s absence. The appearance of “Memory Rose Into Threshold Speech,” coinciding with the centennial of Celan’s birth, as well as with the fiftieth anniversary of his death—he drowned himself in the Seine, one rainy week in April—now brings into English all the poems, nearly six hundred, that the poet collected during his lifetime, in the order in which he arranged them. In October, a ghetto was created for Jews who were allowed to remain temporarily, including Celan and his parents. J. M. Coetzee, in his essay “Paul Celan and His Translators,” counters that readers can judge the significance of that information only if they know what it is, and wonders if it is “possible to respond to poetry like Celan’s, even to translate it, without fully understanding it.”, Celan, I think, would have said that it is. The poems in “Speechgrille” (1959) show Celan moving toward the radical starkness that characterized the last decade of his work. Toi et le bras avec lequel, nu, je croissais vers toi, la Perdue. Amazon: 131 : Paul Celan an Ingeborg Bachmann, Paris, 26. )4.1970 in Paris. But originally it was only going to be part of the film. Dossier Ingeborg Bachmann (par Françoise Rétif) sur Poezibao. / Noone.” It continues: Praised be thou, NoOne . “What the life of a Jew was during the war years, I need not mention,” Celan later told a German magazine. En octobre 1957, Paul Celan adresse à Ingeborg Bachmann un poème dont voici quelques vers : A l’ombre du vent, mille fois : toi. After two years working as a translator in Bucharest, he left Romania and its language for good. ISBN 978-90-290-8478-9; Paul Celan: Roemeense gedichten. Le grand poète de langue allemande Paul Celan et son alter ego Ingeborg Bachmann se sont aimés et déchirés par oeuvre et courrier interposés. Vertaald door Paul Beers. Some of these poems can be read as responses to such writers as Kafka and Rilke, but often the “you” to whom the poems speak has no clear identity, and could be the reader, or the poet himself. . Ingeborg Bachmann-Paul Celan: Correspondence (letters between Ingeborg and Paul Celan, published 2010 by Seagull Books) Letters to Felician (letters to an imaginary … Jahrhunderts. “He loves words,” Daive writes, recalling the two of them working together on translations in Celan’s apartment. It is unclear where Celan was on the night of their arrest—possibly in a hideout where he had tried to persuade them to join him, or with a friend—but, when he came home in the morning, they were gone. “In the springs of your eyes / a hanged man strangles the rope,” he writes in “Praise of Distance.” The metaphor in “Nightbeam” is equally macabre: “The hair of my evening beloved burned most brightly: / to her I sent the coffin made of the lightest wood.” In another, he addresses her as “reaperess.” Bachmann answered some of the lines with echoes in a number of her most important poems; after Celan’s suicide, she incorporated others into her novel “Malina,” perhaps to memorialize their love. You sense their struggle for words. Chantal Akerman, Celan, Le Temps du cœur, Cixous, Cécile Wajsbrot, Une métrage est accompagné de Autoportrait en cinéaste, Paris, correspondance, Paris, Seuil, autobiographie allemande, deux autres pièces, l’une d’elles Cahiers du cinéma / Centre 2011 (2008), p. 72. You hear longing, accusations, doubts, expressions of intimacy and alienation, news of separations and lengthy silences. TOMORROW TEN-THIRTY-THREE. Dans la Vienne de ces années-là, se revendiquer d'une tradition juive est très … The poems, in their sheer number and difficulty, threaten to overwhelm, with the chorus drowning out the distinct impact of any particular poem. On November 9, 1938, the date now known as Kristallnacht, he was on his way to France, where he intended to prepare for medical studies. Correspondence, By Ingeborg Bachmann and Paul Celan, trans. Why do we mention? the Too Little . .A Nothingwe were, we are, we willremain, flowering:the Nothing-, theNoOnesRose. Vertaald door Jan H. Mysjkin. Die Liebesbeziehung von Paul Celan und Ingeborg Bachmann. “No more need for walls, no more need for barbed wire as in the concentration camps. If there is no God, then what is mankind, theoretically, as he is, created in God’s image? “We / just don’t know, you know, / we / just don’t know, / what / counts.”. Snow and lead, symbols of her murder, became a constant in his poetry. While Harriet staff writers don't really get sent on the international film festival circuit, we should have made a case for the 66th Berlinale. 35 - Peter Hamm : Wer bin ich für Dich : fragt Ingeborg Bachmann den Geliebten Paul Celan in ihrem letzten Brief an ihn. “Pray, Lord, / pray to us, / we are near,” the chorus continues, blasphemously. Lange war ihre Liebe ein großes Geheimnis, jetzt ist sie dokumentiert. It’s not only the text but also its effects that are being performed and occasionally discussed. Ingeborg Bachmann (* 25. “He erases them as if they should bleed.”. When the poems are read aloud in German, their cadence is inescapable. There is no salvation in Celan’s poem, which reverses Hölderlin’s trope. April 1970 in Paris) war ein deutschsprachiger Lyriker. Sie gilt als eine der bedeutendsten deutschsprachigen Lyrikerinnen und Prosaschriftstellerinnen des 20. It distrusts ‘beauty.’ It tries to be truthful. Celan to Bachmann, Hamburg, 27 January 1958. / My mother’s hair ne’er turned white”—and lyrics and prose poems in Romanian. ingeborg bachmann, paul celan : leur amour i ngeborg Bachmann et Paul Celan se rencontrèrent pour la pre-mière fois à Vienne, en Autriche, dans l’atelier du peintre Edgar Jené, le 16 mai 1948. An excerpt of The Dreamed Ones can be watched below. The Bachmann poems, deeply inflected by Surrealism, are among the most moving of Celan’s early work. (I give it here in Joris’s formulation, although Celan used the more conventional structure Niemand, without the capital letter in the middle.) Wie bei Weigel war eine Intimbeziehung im Spiel, doch sie entwickelte sich ungünstig. Der Dichter Paul Celan ertränkte sich 1970 in der Seine. He was born Paul Antschel in 1920 to German-speaking Jewish parents in Czernowitz (now Chernivtsi). Hakel wird sich mit einem wenig einnehmenden Porträt der Bachmann rächen, aus dem man seinen Schmerz herausliest: "Apokalyptische Sibylle" und "anrüchige Lebedame" in einer Person nennt er sie. Der Literaturkritiker Marcel Reich-Ranicki bestätigt später Hakels Befund in seiner Südwestfernsehen-Literat… In a dream state or trance, I read the lines over and over, instilling them permanently in my memory. In phrases that circle back around in fugue-like patterns, the poem tells of a commandant who orders the prisoners to work as the camp orchestra plays: “He calls out play death more sweetly death is a master from Deutschland / he calls scrape those fiddles more darkly then as smoke you’ll rise in the air.” The only people named are Margarete—the commandant’s beloved, but also the heroine of Goethe’s “Faust”—and Shulamit, a figure in the poem whose name stems from the Song of Songs and whose “ashen hair” contrasts with Margarete’s golden tresses. Will be used in accordance with our Privacy Policy. A wanderer happens upon it, opens it, and discovers that it is addressed to its finder. “Its language has become more sober, more factual. Il poeta traduttore. Bachmann was born in Klagenfurt, Austria, the daughter of a Nazi functionary who served in Hitler’s Army. . Darunter sind die Korrespondenzen mit Ingeborg Bachmann („Herzzeit“), der Ehefrau Gisèle Celan-Lestrange und der verehrten Nelly Sachs, den weiteren Freundinnen Ilana Shmueli und Gisela Dischner, „den rheinischen Freunden“ Heinrich Böll, Paul Schallück und Rolf Schroers, dem Schulfreund Gustav Chomed und dem Kollegen René Char. Paul Celan, à l'origine Paul Pessach Antschel (en allemand) ou Ancel (en roumain), né le 23 novembre 1920 à Cernăuți (à l'époque en Roumanie) et mort le 20 avril 1970 à Paris, est un poète et traducteur roumain de langue allemande, naturalisé français en 1955.Son nom d'écrivain est l'anagramme de son patronyme roumain [1].Auteur d'une œuvre absolument novatrice, il est … Paul Celan et Ingeborg Bachmann : Le Temps du cœur, correspondance (2012 / France Culture). One of the best-known works of postwar German literature, it may have persuaded Theodor Adorno to reconsider his famous pronouncement that writing poetry after Auschwitz was “barbaric.” Felstiner called it “the ‘Guernica’ of postwar European literature,” comparing its impact to Wilfred Owen’s “Dulce et Decorum Est” or Yeats’s “Easter 1916.” The camp in the poem, left nameless, stands for all the camps, the prisoners’ suffering depicted through the unforgettable image of “black milk”: Black milk of morning we drink you eveningswe drink you at noon and mornings we drink you at nightwe drink and we drinkwe dig a grave in the air there one lies at ease. Paul Celan [paʊl ˈtselan][1] (* 23. They burned the city’s Great Synagogue, murdering nearly seven hundred Jews within three days and three thousand by the end of August. Hij leefde ook in Oostenrijk en lange tijd … During the next few years, he produced only a handful of publishable poems each year, explaining to a fellow-writer, “Sometimes it’s as if I were the prisoner of these poems . [Update: No need to face-plant on that hot plate. Collagierung eines gesprochenen Gedichtes.Ich wünsche uns allen viele weitere schöne Lyrikmomente . The Rue des Écoles, where he found his first apartment, was the street where he had lived briefly in 1938 with an uncle who perished at Auschwitz. Flipping from the poems to the notes and back again, I wondered if all the information amounted to a distraction. The lovers here are Ingeborg Bachmann and Paul Celan, both important representatives of post-war German-language poetry. Celan’s turn to a different kind of poetics was triggered in part by the mixed response to his work in Germany, where he travelled regularly to give readings. Paul Celan (23 novembre 1920 – 20 avril 1970) est un poète et traducteur roumain de langue allemande, né Paul Pessach Antschel au sein d’une famille juive allemande à Cernăuți – Roumanie -, l’ancienne Czernowitz, et naturalisé français le 8 juillet 1955. “Only in the mother tongue can one speak one’s own truth,” he told a friend who asked how he could still write in German after the war. In German, it’s ichten, which doesn’t look any more natural than the English but shows that we’re dealing with a verb in the past tense, constructed from ich, the first-person-singular pronoun—something like “they became I’s,” that is, selves. Poetry in German “can no longer speak the language which many willing ears seem to expect,” Celan wrote in 1958. At the beginning I was thinking in a more essayist direction, and I'd already filmed some sequences and recorded sound at a number of places. (When asked about his camp experience, Celan would respond with a single word, “Shovelling!”) His parents were deported during a wave of roundups in June, 1942. From his iconic “Deathfugue,” one of the first poems published about the Nazi camps and now recognized as a benchmark of twentieth-century European poetry, to cryptic later works such as the poem above, all of Celan’s poetry is elliptical, ambiguous, resisting easy interpretation. Paul Celan, Hans Werner Henze, Max Frisch . TELEGRAM . In the late fifties, he became increasingly paranoid after a groundless plagiarism charge, first levelled against him in 1953, resurfaced.
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