It indicates the number of frames that are recorded per second). MP4 compresses much better and is therefore smaller than WMV. This means that all parents have a right to the care of their children in kindergartens, crèches and after-school care centres. If the diplomatic mission (embassy, consulate) responsible for you in your home country refers you to the Foreigners' Registration Office in Chemnitz, please send an e-mail to auslaenderbehoerde@... and describe your concern in detail, stating the request of the diplomatic mission. Please also observe the notices posted in front of and inside the building and observe the distance markings while waiting. 1 WissZeitVG, the respective line manager can apply to the Human Resources Department for an extension of up to six months (reasoning employment contract in the period from October 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021) or an extension of up to twelve months (continuation employment contract in the period from March 1 to September 30, 2020) using the usual procedure and stating the financing details. This means that mobile work is to be used exclusively on this day. This notification is to be made by the responsible areas by 18 December 2020 via the registration form for the unattended operation of work equipment. What are the technical requirements for digital courses? You can start, stop, and view the recording (top left), write and draw in the current slide (bottom), show notes (top), and show and hide the video of your webcam or the microphone recording of your computer (bottom right). The Free State of Saxony and the Federal Ministry of Health also issued special rules for entry and return travelers from international risk areas. The New Year's stand-by operation is scheduled to be replaced by selective and limited attendance operation from 11 January 2021. Will the semester ticket for public transport, which entitles you to travel by train within Saxony, for example, using your student ID, still be valid in the 2020 summer semester, even if it is currently not possible to update my TUC-Card? The DAAD provides information on its website as well as a list of FAQs and gives advice for scholarship holders and those receiving funding. If the office is closed due to the Corona pandemic, it is not possible to make an appointment. In der neuen Folge #TUCscicast diskuti…, Arbeitsplätze in Braunkohleregionen schaffen: Sächs. The voting system is currently being transferred from the test system to the production system. Preis des Stifterverbands Metalle 2020 geht an Freiberger Studierenden. Office for Occupational Safety and Environmental Protection. If you have any questions, you can also contact the Foreigners Registration Office via e-mail – describe your request in detail and expect a longer response time due to the current situation: Bitte informieren Sie sich zum aktuellen Stand auch direkt bei den Hochschulen, Bibliotheken und BA Sachsen. weitere Termine . All parcels are accepted at Straße der Nationen and from there they are forwarded by DATA Kurier to Reichenhainer Straße 70 (Post Office). If a student decides to take an exam in the 2020 summer semester – registers for it or takes part in it – the performance achieved will be treated as a regular attempt. Via “Sources” you can integrate different recording sources, in this example the screen and the recording of the notebook camera. Trotzdem solle es in der ersten Januarwoche weiterhin digitale Lehrveranstaltungen und digitale Prüfungen geben, heißt es. Employees of the respective section who themselves take part in the study as participants (or test supervisors) are still included in the total number of employees working in the organisational section. How should DFG-funded projects continue in the current situation and the resulting disruptions in regular research activity? Auch Hochschulen und Universitäten mit und ohne Verdachtsfällen reagieren auf die Corona-Krise. before starting a journey, even if it is only planned for the near future. have not been in contact with a person infected with SARS-CoV-2 or 14 days have elapsed since contact with a person infected with SARS-CoV-2 and they do not show symptoms of Covid-19. all legal requirements (proper convening of the meeting, quorum, majority requirements for resolutions, need for secret voting, rules on public or non-public voting, etc.) The view for recording your presentation appears. TU Chemnitz verschiebt Beginn des Vorlesungsbetriebs Nicht nur Veranstaltungen mit über 1.000 Besuchern werden abgesagt und verschoben. Here, direct clarification is provided by the faculties or the Zentrum für Lehrerbildung (ZLB, Centre for Teacher Training). In the OPAL teaching and learning platform there are various ways to contact the lecturers of a course via e-mail. The electronic services are available as usual. If you conduct the conference as streaming, there is no audience limitation, the chat function is available, but participants cannot interact through audio and video. The voting manager determines whether the vote is to be secret or by name. Outside office hours, you can also contact the Central Course Guidance Service with your request by e-mail. Are there currently courses at Chemnitz University of Technology? 1 WissZeitVG (not for third-party funding in accordance with § 2 para. that always the same employees are present at the same time. Tenth Open Letter from the President regarding the corona virus (SARS-CoV-2) from 1 October 2020 states: "Violations of the hygiene concept are not tolerable regarding the protection of our employees, students, and guests and must be punished with the means available. Please discuss the necessary steps with the local diplomatic mission (embassy, consulate) and the Foreigners' Registration Office in Chemnitz as soon as possible and describe your situation in detail. opening the university library, computer pools and laboratories to students, is excluded from the counting of deadlines for homework and final papers. The current situation is a great psychological burden for me. In this case, funding can also be granted without the certificate as an exception. The MIT Media Lab has published a collection of tips for successfully conducting online meetings with 2 to 25 participants. If necessary, he or she adjusts the voters for this vote, for example, by excluding participants if they are biased or by adding additional participants to the list. The Student Service Point can provide you with a corresponding certificate: studentensekretariat@... As the current situation is very dynamic, please contact your local diplomatic mission (embassy, consulate) for detailed information before planning and starting your trip. Use of the communication software Cisco Jabber. Eine Öffnung des BAföG mit diesen Mitteln wäre ein gerechterer und nachhaltigerer Ansatz gewesen, um krisengeschuldete Studienabbrüche zu vermeiden und Bildungsgerechtigkeit zu fördern. The following requirements for the recognition of a home office must be observed: Group discussions in practical courses, exercises and seminars are not always useful via telephone conference (see consultation hours), but require a visual channel. If you have any questions, please contact the IUZ (e-mail: iuz@..., phone +49 371 531-13500). The approval of business trips in connection with private travel is not possible. Please refer to the FAQ on virtualization of teaching. März 2020 bis eine Woche nach Wiederaufnahme des regulären Präsenzbetriebs, also der Öffnung von Bibliothek, Computerräumen und Laboren für die Studierenden, wird aus der Zählung der Fristen für Haus- und Abschlussarbeiten ausgenommen. The Student_innenrat (StuRa, Student Council of Chemnitz University of Technology) provides answers to this question on it's website. You can also receive a certificate for this course: Media Center of the TU Dresden: E-Teaching Basics. No further or prior examination by the Human Resources Department is required in these cases. This will be taken into account accordingly when making the appointment. website of the Studentenwerk Chemnitz-Zwickau. a committee meeting). The approval of business trips is possible, provided that the business activities are urgent and absolutely necessary and cannot be conducted in an alternative format (e.g. A prerequisite for non-recognition is that the format of the exam or the format of teaching differs from the module description, which is likely to affect most courses in the current summer semester, since digital forms of teaching are specified in very few module descriptions. See also: “Is it possible to extend my fixed-term employment contract as an academic assistant or research assistant due to the corona pandemic?” in the tab “Employees”. Consequently, all employees are instructed, as before, to make use of mobile work as far as possible and to be present at Chemnitz University of Technology (within the framework of the existing quota regulation) exclusively for urgent work that can only be carried out on site. – Coughing and sneezing properly (PDF info sheet from Access for persons who are not members of Chemnitz University of Technology (employees of external companies for urgently required repair and construction work, etc.) According to this, leaving the domestic accommodation is only permitted with a valid reason, such as the pursuit of professional activities. Employees who are unable to make use of mobile work, or cannot make use of it to the full extent, may only return to their workplace - after consultation with their line manager - if they are absolutely necessary for selective and restricted presence operation as well as for the second stage of this opertation and if infection protection is fully guaranteed. Courses that cannot be conducted digitally (e.g. Kindergartens and primary schools in Saxony switched to restricted regular operation from May 18, 2020. In the “Convert” window, click on “Browse“ and enter the name of the converted or reduced file. The Robert Koch Institute also offers further information in an orientation guide for citizens. The obligation to wear a mouth-nose cover has been extended and applies in public when people meet. Wenn's pufft und knallt, dann weihnachtet es bald! In addition, lists with the contact details of those present must be kept by the sections in order to be able to trace contact chains if necessary. The following FAQ provides answers to the most important questions regarding a fast – not perfect – virtualization of teaching in response to the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). These lists are to be kept in the respective sections for a period of four weeks after the event and are to be kept in such a way that they can be promptly forwarded to the university management for forwarding contact data to the health authorities upon request. Antrag stellen lohnt sich Die Aussicht, BAföG-Unterstützung zu erhalten, ist größer als Sie vielleicht denken. A separate statement by the doctor is not required. How is the occupational medical precaution G 35 (according to DGUV) “Working abroad under special climatic and health stress” currently handled? If this is not possible in an individual case, the following options are also available (in each case, the prerequisite is that no other care option is available): In the case of the closure of schools, daycare centers, or other care facilities or their partial closure due to the spread of the coronavirus: Provided that this does not conflict with official or operational interests, civil servants pursuant to § 14 para. However, in accordance with the Twelfth Open Letter from the President regarding the corona virus (SARS-CoV-2) from 12 December 2020, the following separate measures have been adopted for the period of the turn of the year 2020/2021: Until 22 December 2020, the already communicated regulations for selective and limited presence operation will apply. Are employees allowed to and should they continue working from home during selective and limited presence operation? lending and inter-library loan of the University Library. If the possibility of mobile work does not exist, unpaid leave in accordance with § 29 Para. Delays in the course of my studies endanger the extension of my visa - what can I do? to get to the GP or the test centre due to the quarantine you are subject to, but have to travel to the place of testing with your own vehicle, on foot, by bicycle etc. They are in officially ordered quarantine. The currently valid travel regulations may change at any time – therefore check them regularly. (PDF info sheet from, How can I prevent infections? How are business trips handled during selective and limited presence operation? “Is it possible to extend my fixed-term employment contract as an academic assistant or research assistant due to the corona pandemic?”. 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.). Ventilate the work areas about every 30 minutes, or more often depending on the size of the window, for about ten minutes. Inside Higher Ed has published several articles on the question of how, in view of the corona situation, teaching can be switched to online quickly but without chaos: If the tools from OPAL or TU Chemnitz are not enough for you, you will find a comprehensive collection of further tools in a wiki of the University of Halle: University of Halle: Wiki tool collection. The text of the publication as well as an FAQ section on the new regulations can be found on the websites of the City of Chemnitz regarding the corona virus (German only). Es ist Partner der Studierenden der Technischen Universität Chemnitz und der Westsächsischen Hochschule Zwickau (FH). The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has issued a decree that BAföG recipients should not suffer any disadvantages from the COVID-19 pandemic. Since 1 July 2020 these restrictions have also been lifted for some non-EU countries. Online courses will continue to take place. In the 2020 summer semester, examiners are free to choose the way in which they conduct their exams. They were only allowed to enter the country with compelling reasons. Oral exams may only be conducted on site if they cannot be conducted online and the hygiene and safety regulations can be observed. 6 TV-L or comparable collective labour agreements for a total of up to 10 working days. Die Abkürzung BAföG bezeichnet jedoch lediglich die staatliche Studienfördermöglichkeit, von denen viele Studierende, die wenig oder keine Unterstützung von ihren Eltern erhalten, Gebrauch machen. Please announce the meetings until one week before the meeting date via e-mail to support@.... You will then receive the necessary contact details. Due to #Corona our office will be closed until further notice. Furthermore, the ZfSG provides various digital offers on its websites. This means that mobile work is to be used exclusively on this day. the chairman of the examination board has approved the use of video conferences to conduct defenses for the corresponding degree program (. During New Year's stand-by operation, neither on-site courses nor on-site exams (exception: creation of teaching videos of laboratory experiments, etc. No, unrestricted use is not possible for the time being. An up-to-date list can be found on the website of the Federal Foreign Office. Several votes can be taken for each session. Should additional requirements arise as a result of the containment measures, these can be applied for at the end of the project term. If this causes delays in your studies, please contact your academic advisor or your examination board well in advance to find joint solutions. This right must also be guaranteed in the current period of the Corona Pandemic. Care must be taken to ensure that the mouth-nose cover is handled properly (putting it on and taking it off, no moving while wearing it). What do I have to do? "From ... to ... [date] no workstation/no workstation on an average of ... [number] days per week* was available to the employee at the premises of TU Chemnitz due to the protective measures to contain the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). Please contact Dr. Stefanie Müller (e-mail: stefanie.mueller@...). They are to be informed about the specific, currently valid hygiene measures. Virtual training courses are offered for using the video conference system BigBlueButton. According to the company medical service, there is no obligation for the lecturer to wear a mouth and nose cover during the lectures if the required minimum distance is observed. After recording, the presentation can be edited as usual. The issuance of a separate certificate by Chemnitz University of Technology is currently not planned. Larger courses such as lectures are available online for first-year students as well. Wash your hands regularly and thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. (Please, add a “0” before!). How do I reach the President, the Vice Presidents or the respective secretariats and the contact persons in the President's office during the current operation?
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