Rosa Luxemburg (1871–1919) war eine herausragende Vertreterin demokratisch-sozialistischen Denkens und Handelns in Europa. Berlin: Helle Panke - Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, Berlin. 129, hefte zur ddr-geschichte edn, Helle Panke - Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, Berlin, Berlin. In an alliance with Karl Liebknecht and other like-minded radicals, she formed the Spartakusbund, or Spartacus League, which was dedicated to ending the war through revolution and the establishment of a proletarian government. 1914. His name was Eliasz Luxemburg III. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Luxemburg always remained a believer in democracy as opposed to Lenin’s democratic centralism. (hefte zur ddr-geschichte ed.) Omissions? In 1898, after marrying Gustav Lübeck to obtain German citizenship, she settled in Berlin to work with the largest and most powerful constituent party of the Second International, the Social Democratic Party of Germany. Get exclusive access to content from our 1768 First Edition with your subscription. Her father was a wood trader/timber trader. According to Luxemburg, mass strikes are the best method the working class can use to gain victory. Rosa Luxemburg wrote Reform or Revolution (1899), a defense of Marxist orthodoxy against gradualism; The Mass Strike, the Political Party, and the Trade Unions (1906), propounding her theory of revolutionary mass action; The Accumulation of Capital (1913), an analysis of capitalist expansion in the underdeveloped world; and other works. Rosa Luxemburg was one of the key leaders of the Spartacist movement. Her point of view differed from Lenin’s as she did not believe in a tightly-structured political party. Rosa was the fifth of five children of Eliasz Luxemburg and Line Lowenstein. Rosa Luxemburg (Rosalia Luxemburg, polsk: Róża Luksemburg; født 5. marts 1871, død 15. januar 1919) var en polsk-tysk socialistisk politisk tænker, der i starten af det 20. århundrede kritiserede den reformisme, det tyske socialdemokrati var slået ind på. Through the Dialectic of Spontaneity and Organization, her significant political philosophy, Luxemburg put forward the idea that through spontaneity, organization and order can be achieved, when working for class-struggle through a political party. Rosa Luxemburg is famous for helping to found the Spartacus League, which grew into the Communist Party of Germany; for developing a humanitarian theory of Marxism; and for being murdered by members of the German Freikorps, a loose association of right-wing paramilitary groups. There she studied law and political economy, receiving a doctorate in 1898. She and Karl Liebknecht founded The Red Flag newspaper and asked for the amnesty of political prisoners. In late December 1918, they became founders of the German Communist Party, but Luxemburg attempted to limit Bolshevik influence in this new organization. Karl Kautsky, the leading theoretician of the Second International, agreed with her, and revisionism consequently became a socialist heresy both in Germany and abroad, though it continued to make headway, especially in the labour movement. Until the Russian Revolution, Luxemburg believed that a revolution would certainly take place in Germany, but when Russia revolutionized, it became one of the most important experiences in Luxemburg’s life. Through the League, they intended to end the World War and establish the rule of the working class, but the actual impact of the League during the war did not prove to be as strong as it was intended. She was active there in the left wing of the SPD, harshly criti… Jobs; Scholarships; Contact; Imprint; Search form. Rosa Luxemburg was an outstanding Marxist and revolutionary. Until then she had believed that Germany was the country in which world revolution was most likely to originate. Rosa Luxemburg was freed from prison in 1918. She was the fifth and youngest child of timber trader Eliasz Luxemburg and Line Löwenstein. Rosa Luxemburg (en polaco: Róża Luksemburg e tamén Rozalia Luxenburg), nada en Zamo ść (Imperio Ruso) o 5 de marzo de 1871 ou 1870, e finada en Berlín o 15 de xaneiro de 1919, foi unha militante socialista e teórica marxista polaca de orixe xudía, nacionalizada alemá. Rosa Luxemburg volia organitzar una vaga general que unís solidàriament tots els treballadors i evitar la guerra, però el líder del partit s'hi va oposar, cosa que va provocar la seva ruptura amb Kautsky el 1910. Mit all ihrer Kraft versuchte sie, den Weltkrieg, der dann von 1914 bis 1918 tobte, zu verhindern. Luxemburg and her family were Polish Jews living in Russian-controlled Poland. She founded, along with Karl Liebnecht, the anti-war Spartacus League in 1915, which later became the Communist Part of Germany. Luxemburg was born in March 1871 in Zamosch, Poland. Das Volk sollte bestimmen und nicht einige wenige. In 1889, aged 18 and because of … After being bedridden with a hip ailment at the age of five, she was left with a permanent limp. She now believed it would catch fire in Russia. Rozalia (Rosa) Luxemburg was born in March 1871 in Zamosch, Poland, which was under Russian-control at the time. Rosa Luxemburg was a Polish political philosopher, economist, marxist, and revolutionary who played a pivotal role during the First World War and the German Revolution. The family moved to Warsaw in 1873. Rosa Luxembourg, La crise de la social-démocratie (1916) Rosa Luxembourg, Introduction à l'économie politique (1925). This became one of her major points of disagreement with Vladimir Lenin and his theory of national self-determination. Her birth name was Rosalia Luxenburg. • Centralisme et démocratie • Masse et chefs • Liberté de la critique et de la science.Extrait du vol. The Social Democratic Party backed the German government at the outbreak of World War I, but Luxemburg immediately went into opposition. She became involved in underground activities while still in high school. Wandering around the square, one stumbles upon 60 quotations from the woman some fondly refer to as “Red Rosa”, after the epitaph Bertolt Brecht wrote for her in 1919. In 1996, RLS was recognized by the Party of Democratic Socialism (PDS) as its close political education institution. Auf der einen Seite grenzte sie sich vom Reformismus ab, dem die Mehrheit der SPD zustimmte – sie wollte Veränderungen durch Revolution, nicht durch Reformen. This Page dedicated to Rosa Luxemburg was born to stand OUT from all of the others. To her, nationalism and national independence were regressive concessions to the class enemy, the bourgeoisie. Rosa Luxembourg, Marxisme contre dictature. Rosa Luxemburg talking at the 2. Corrections? She took part in the Congress, which led to the foundation of the Communist Party of Germany that she and Liebknecht was leading. The Red Flag, the vital organ of the Spartacist movement, was also founded by her during the German Revolution. She founded, along with Karl Liebnecht, the anti-war Spartacus League in 1915, which later became the Communist Part of Germany. Sie war für allgemeine Wahlen und für die Pressefreiheit. Vancouver. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. They exercised considerable influence on the public and were a contributing factor in a number of armed clashes in Berlin. Due to her strong opinions and ideas during the Spartacus Revolt, she was arrested in Berlin by conservative paramilitary forces known as the Free Corps, and was later murdered in January 1919. As a result, Luxemburg was vilified as “Bloody Rosa” in the bourgeois press. The Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung (RLS) has its roots in the 1990 in Berlin founded association "Social Analysis and Political Education". Traduction française: 1951. In fact, her Die russische Revolution (1922; The Russian Revolution) chastised Lenin’s party on its agrarian and national self-determination stands and its dictatorial and terrorist methods. Rosa Luxemburg was the youngest of five children of a lower middle-class Jewish family in Russian-ruled Poland. Released from prison by the German revolution (November 1918), Luxemburg and Liebknecht immediately began agitation to force the new order to the left. Because of their role in fomenting a communist uprising known as the Spartacus Revolt, she and Liebknecht were arrested and murdered in Berlin on January 15, 1919, by members of the Free Corps (Freikorps), a loose assemblage of conservative paramilitary groups. Many socialists and Marxists may disagree with the philosophy of Rosa Luxemburg, but she will always remain as a steadfast revolutionary thinker who sacrificed her life for her principles. Rosa Luxemburg and the German Revolution; Publications. Consequently, she and her colleagues founded the rival Polish Social Democratic Party, which was to become the nucleus of the future Polish Communist Party. She was born into a Jewish family. Rosa Luxemburg (5 March 1871 in Zamość, Russian Poland – 15 January 1919 in Berlin) was a Polish-Jewish Marxist politician working in both Poland and Germany. The mass strike, the spontaneous result of “objective conditions,” would radicalize the workers and drive the revolution forward. Her assassination on this day 90 years ago severely damaged the German Communist movement. – Berlin, 1919. január 15.) Updates? The significant ideas of Luxemburgism include a pledge to struggle for democracy and the spontaneous class struggle which would organize itself to bring about revolution. Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschland fortschrittlichste sozialistische Partei Sprachgewandtheit, erfolgreiche Wahlkampfreden gefragte Spezialistin Zustimmung - Kriegskredite Abspaltung 1871 Ziele und Forderungen Vertreterin demokratisch-sozialistischen Denkens und Handelns Her mother's name was Line (maiden name: Löwenstein). In Zürich she became involved in the international socialist movement and met Georgy Valentinovich Plekhanov, Pavel Axelrod, and other leading representatives of the Russian social democratic movement, with whom, however, she soon began to disagree. We hope that putting together this compilation will be a step towards placing voices from the ground and policy analysis connected with Food Security and Food Sovereignty, at the same table. Rosa Luxemburg (March 5, 1870 or 1871 - January 15, 1919) was a Polish-born German Marxist. In this work she agreed with Lenin in advocating the overthrow of the existing regime and the formation of a new International strong enough to prevent a renewed outbreak of mass slaughter. lengyel születésű marxista politikai gondolkodó, szocialista filozófus és … Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. Study Scholarships; Doctoral Scholarships; Academic Trustees of the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung ; Authoritarianism and Counter-Strategies; Topics. Allinson, M. A. Mediacenter. She was the fifth child of her parents. Internationale in Stuttgart - 1907 . From these experiences emerged her theory of revolutionary mass action, which she propounded in Massenstreik, Partei und Gewerkschaften (1906; The Mass Strike, the Political Party, and the Trade Unions). Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. The national issue became one of Luxemburg’s main themes. Eindeutig bezieht sie Position in ihrem wohl berühmtesten Zitat: "Freiheit nur für die Anhänger der Regierung, nur f… Almost at once, she jumped into the revisionist controversy that divided the party. Rosa Luxemburg; Archive; Library; Staff; Scholarship Department. In contrast to Lenin, she deemphasized the need for a tight party structure, believing that organization would emerge naturally from the struggle. She went to Warsaw, participated in the struggle, and was imprisoned. The Life of Rosa Luxemburg Jan 1, 1873. Together with a fellow student, Leo Jogiches, who was to become a lifelong friend and sometime lover, she challenged both the Russians and the established Polish Socialist Party because of their support of Polish independence. Released from her Warsaw prison, she taught at the Social Democratic Party school in Berlin (1907–14), where she wrote Die Akkumulation des Kapitals (1913; The Accumulation of Capital). Auf der anderen Seite kritisierte sie auch den Leninismus. Rosa Luxemburg, (born March 5, 1871, Zamość, Poland, Russian Empire [now in Poland]—died January 15, 1919, Berlin, Germany), Polish-born German revolutionary and agitator who played a key role in the founding of the Polish Social Democratic Party and the Spartacus League, which grew into the Communist Party of Germany. In her 1913 work, The Accumulation of Capital, Luxemburg analyzed economics and politics and put forward the theory that the spread of capitalism in undeveloped areas of the world leads to the nuisance of imperialism. You are here: RLS; Publications; Publication International / Transnational - Geschichte Die Außenpolitik der Regierung Imre Nagy. Her father was a timber merchant in the family timber business and was well educated. Written in 1922, The Russian Revolution criticized the Lenin’s party for their terror-inducing and tyrannical methodologies. For Rosa Luxemburg, socialism was not a service for others or the gift of a political party to the oppressed and exploited. ROSA LUXEMBURG is a sympathetic tribute to the Polish Jew who, ignoring nation, race and gender, embraced Marxist internationalism, and founded the German Communist Party out of the ruins of the Second International. Rosa Luxemburg . In this analysis, she described imperialism as the result of a dynamic capitalism’s expansion into underdeveloped areas of the world. This publication by Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung combines ground reports as well as political analysis on Social Protection, Food Security and Food Sovereignty. As a political theoretician, Luxemburg developed a humanitarian theory of Marxism, stressing democracy and revolutionary mass action to achieve international socialism. She also chastised the Bolsheviks’ opportunist and agrarian political policies during The Russian Revolution. Finally Monthly Review Press have produced a new edition of Luxemburg’s works, The Rosa Luxemburg Reader, 2004, ISBN 1-5837-103-X. Rosa Luxemburg was born on March 5, 1871. She was the fifth child of her parents. Her birth name was Rosalia Luxemburg.She was born into a Jewish family. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. Neben Karl Liebknecht war sie die wichtigste Repräsentantin internationalistischer und antimilitaristischer Positionen in der SPD. Edited by Hudis & Anderson, it contains, in addition to a scholarly introduction and improved versions of some already published works, some totally new translations by Passmore and Anderson including a number of writings on women, slavery and the Russian Social … The commemoration of Rosa Luxemburg as a martyr of Socialism takes place to this day, among the left-wing politicians of Germany, irrespective of their identification and agreement to her political philosophy. The Russian Revolution of 1905 proved to be the central experience in Luxemburg’s life. 11 talking about this. … German revolutionary Rosa Luxemburg … Like the Bolsheviks, Luxemburg and Liebknecht demanded political power for the workers’ and soldiers’ soviets but were frustrated by the conservative Socialist establishment and the army. Explore {{searchView.params.phrase}} by color family {{familyColorButtonText(}} Rosa Luxembourg , the German communist revolutionary, ca. (2013). It was during this time also that she began to agitate for mass actions and broke completely with the established Social Democratic party leadership of August Bebel and Kautsky, who disagreed with her incessant drive toward proletarian radicalization. A large selection of her translated correspondence was published as The Letters of Rosa Luxemburg (2011). Decades after her murder, she is alive in her revolutionary ideas. Along with Karl Liebknecht, she founded the Spartacus League, which was based on her 1916 pamphlet, The Crisis in the German Social Democracy, written in jail. Rosa Luxemburg advocated socialism with a human face. In 1898 the German revisionist Eduard Bernstein argued that Marxist theory was essentially outdated and that socialism in highly industrialized nations could best be achieved through a gradualist approach, using trade-union activity and parliamentary politics. History; Inequality / Social Struggles; State / Democracy; International / Transnational; Social Alternatives; Dossiers. Her commitment to democracy and strong negation of capitalism has earned her the respect of Socialists from around the globe. Rosa Luxemburg Rosa Luxemburg, along with Karl Liebknecht, was to play a key role in Germany in the months that immediately followed the Armistice in November 1918. She moved to Warsaw to participate, and was captured. Rosa Luxemburg is a 1986 West German drama film directed by Margarethe von Trotta.The film received the 1986 German Film Award for Best Feature Film (Bester Spielfilm), and Barbara Sukowa won the Cannes Film Festival's Best Actress Award and the German Film Award for Best Actress for her performance as Rosa Luxemburg. Rosa Luxemburg was one of the great Marxist theorists of the twentieth century; her radical conception of socialist democracy stands in opposition to both bolshevik authoritarianism and technocratic reformism. Livestream; Global Crisis – Global Solidarity; Service. She also left the Social Democratic Party during this time as she struggled for the initiation of mass action. Born in the Polish city of Zamosc (75 km SE of Lublin), she grew up in an assimilated, middle class Jewish family. Grundlagen, Ziele und Problembereiche. Luxemburg advocated the mass strike as the single most important tool of the proletariat, Western as well as Russian, in attaining a socialist victory. APA. Rosa Luxemburg Platz, named after her in 1969, is in the centre of it all – home to the Babylon Kino, Volksbühne, and situated just around the corner from Alexanderplatz. Rosa Luxemburg (lengyelül: Róża Luksemburg; Zamość, Kongresszusi Lengyelország, 1871. március 5. Browse 1,490 rosa luxemburg stock photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more stock photos and images. Mass strikes are likely to act as a fuel in any socialist revolution. For this she was repeatedly chastised by orthodox communist parties. The Luxemburgs were Polish-Jews. Das Parteilehrjahr der SED - Konfliktfeld zwischen Parteiführung und Massenbasis. Texte téléchargeable ! Change language. The organization’s theoretical basis was Luxemburg’s pamphlet Die Krise der Sozialdemokratie (1916; The Crisis in the German Social Democracy), written in prison under the pseudonym Junius. vol. In January 1919, Berlin was swept by a revolution, and Rosa Luxemburg encouraged the rebels to occupy the liberal press. This Luxemburg denied categorically in Sozialreform oder Revolution? EN. The family spoke German and Polish, and Luxemburg also learned Russian. (1899; Reform or Revolution), in which she defended Marxist orthodoxy and the necessity of revolution, arguing that parliament was nothing more than a bourgeois sham. Luxemburg championed democracy, unlike Lenin who supported democratic centralism., Jewish Women's Archive - Biography of Rosa Luxemburg, Spartacus Educational - Biography of Rosa Luxemburg, Rosa Luxemburg - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up), The Crisis in the German Social Democracy. Like many of her radical contemporaries from the Russian Empire who were faced with prison, she emigrated to Zürich in 1889. Hun stod i 1919 sammen med bl.a. When Luxemburg moved to Germanyin May 1898, she settled in Berlin. She consistently underrated nationalist aspirations and stressed socialist internationalism. Grundlagen, Ziele und Problembereiche. Here Patrick Larsen looks at her strong side and also her weaknesses in the light of the 1918 German Revolution and draws out lessons for today, in particular for the revolutionary movement in Venezuela. The actual influence of the Spartacus group during the war, however, remained small. In her opinion, socialist politics and socialism had to emerge from the joint, voluntary and conscious movement of all the disadvantaged. deutsch DE; Enter a search term. She gained valuable ideas from this experience which she presented in her 1906 work The Mass Strike. Her collection of political philosophies, collectively called Luxemburgism, is a revolutionary set of ideas under the realm of Marxism. Freelance writer on modern European history. Rosa Luxemburg trat für einen demokratischen Sozialismus ein. She was never able, however, to exercise a decisive influence on the new party. Rosa Luxemburg, (born March 5, 1871, Zamość, Poland, Russian Empire [now in Poland]—died January 15, 1919, Berlin, Germany), Polish-born German revolutionary and agitator who played a key role in the founding of the Polish Social Democratic Party and the Spartacus League, which grew into the Communist Party of Germany. Period: Mar 5, 1871 to Jan 13, 1919. The purpose of this research is to explore the contributions of Rosa Luxemburg to socialist thought, by presenting her personal life and theory of historical progressivism in the context of strategies. Rosa Luxemburg was a Polish political philosopher, economist, marxist, and revolutionary who played a pivotal role during the First World War and the German Revolution. She held the view that class struggle reaches a higher level when it starts spontaneously from within the proletarians. Her father was a wood trader/timber trader.
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